My dictionary defines subtle as "not
immediately obvious; characterized by skill or ingenuity; clever; elusive;
[even] insidious." Let us look at some concrete instances of this. (The very
word itself is an example, as the letter" b" is silent in
pronunciation.)" Language can be straight-forward and directly to the point, but sometimes that takes the fun out of it. On occasion, at least, one appreciates subtleties—often as the mark of a quick wit. This particularly is true of jokes that generally have a double meaning. For example: Awaitress received only three pennies for a tip. Nonplussed, she told the customer that those three pennies told a lot about him. He took the bait and asked what they revealed. "The first penny," she said, "tells me you are thrifty." The patron agreed. "what does the second penny say" asked the customer. " A. a pun which can be interpreted in both positive and negative ways. B. a tone-twisting joke which intends to make the hearer puzzled. C. a response by understanding something deliberately in another way. D. an indirect way of saying something to make someone humiliated. [多选题]锚段关节的作用是使(相邻)的两个锚段能较好地()、顺利地( )和转换。
A.水平 B.电分段 C.衔接 D.过渡 [简答题]运用练习法的基本要求有哪些?
[判断题]领域:危险货物国际规章 考点:TDG- 题型:判断 分数:.5
题目: 根据联合国《关于危险货物运输的建议书 规章范本》(第十八修订版)的规定,如果所运输的固态危险货物在运输过程中存在变成液体的可能,则11G不可以作为该类危险货物的运输包装。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]当回采工作面内有导水断层或陷落柱时.应当按照规定留设防隔水煤柱.或采用注浆的方法封堵导水通道;否则,不准采煤。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]“人机分工TFDS动态检查范围和质量标准”规定:闸瓦无折断、丢失,磨耗不( ),闸瓦插销安装位置正确,闸瓦插销环无丢失。
A.超限 B.过限 C.弯曲 D.破损 [单选题]根据《消防法》的规定,公众聚集场所投入使用、营业前消防安全检查实行告知承诺管理。申请人选择不采用告知承诺方式办理的,根据《消防法》的规定,消防救援机构应当自受理申请之日起( )个工作日内,根据消防技术标准和管理规定,对该场所进行消防安全检查。
A.二 B.三 C.五 D.十 我来回答: 提交