Industrial production managers
coordinate the resources and activities required to produce millions of goods
every year in the United States. Although their duties vary from plant to plant,
industrial production managers share many of the same major responsibilities.
These responsibilities include production scheduling, staffing, procurement and
maintenance of equipment, quality control, inventory control, and the
coordination of production activities with those of other departments. The primary mission of industrial production managers is planning the production schedule within budgetary limitations and time constraints. They do this by analyzing the plant’s personnel and capital resources to select the best way of meeting the production quota. Industrial production managers determine, often using mathematical formulas, which mac A. They control the techniques of production. B. They keep each department well-informed. C. They monitor the progress and status of work. D. They transmit directions from the management to employees. [单选题]A1137BY 电抗器吊装至基础位置时,应用( )作为吊绳。
A.棉绳 B.麻绳 C.钢丝绳 D.尼龙绳 [单项选择]下列关于民事审判陪审制度的表述中,正确的是_______。
A. 陪审员可以担任审判长,与法官有同等权力 B. 陪审员不少于合议庭人员的一半 C. 陪审员任期3年 D. 陪审员由基层法院院长提名,同级人大常委会任命 [单选题]在计算机应用软件Word中插入的图片( )。
A.可以嵌入到文本段落中 B.图片的位置可以改变,但大小不能改变 C.文档中的图片只能显示,无法用打应机打印输出 D.不能自行绘制,只能从office的剪辑库中插入 [单选题]()检修项目检修方案应报省公司运检部备案。
A.大型 B.中型 C.小型 D.所有 [填空题] Are Improvements Worth Paying for
As goods and services improved, people were persuaded to spend their money in changing from old to new, and found the change worth the expense. When an airline equipped itself with jets, for example, its costs and therefore airfares would (0) , but the new planes meant such an improvement that the higher cost was justified. A new car or wireless washing machine, electric kettle made life so much more comfortable than the old one that the high cost of replacement was amply (21). Manufacturers still cry their wares as persuasively as (22) but are the improvements really worth paying for In many fields things have now reached such a high standard of performance that (23) progress is very limited and very, very expensive. Airlines, for example, go to enormous expense (24) buying the latest prestige jets, in which vast research costs have been (25) on relatively small improvements. If we scrape these vast costs we might lose the ch
A. for order to to order for [判断题]远动功能程序存在ROM中,实时数据存在RAM中。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《刑法》规定为限制行为能力的人有( )。
A.又聋又哑的人 B.盲人 C.醉酒的人 D.尚未完全丧失辨认或者控制自己行为能力的精神病人 [单选题]balsamic指的是:
A.品质很好的意大利黑醋 B.品质很好的意大利红酒 C.品质很好的法国红酒 D.品质很好的德国白葡萄酒 [单项选择]用于治疗乳房炎封闭注射的盐酸普鲁卡因的浓度为()。
A. 0.25% B. 0.5% C. 2% [单选题]班组应做好安全活动记录。各车间负责人及其管理人员每月至少参加()次班组安全活动,并对班组安全活动讲评并写出评语。
A.不用参加 B.1次 C.2次 D.3次 [单选题]钢件或铝合金工件钻孔时,一般选用( )作冷却液。
A.煤油 B.柴油 C.汽油 D.乳化液 [单项选择] 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。