From her wheelchair, a child raises
rounded arms above her head to form a blossoming flower. Nearby, a blind boy
gently waves a flowing scarf as his body sways back and forth. Welcome to
Infinite Dreams, a southern California program that each year helps more than
1,000 children with disabilities learn ballet, jazz, and other forms of
movement. For founder Zina Bethune, a professional dancer and actress who works
with a team of six instructors, this is a deeply felt mission. "I’ve walked a very fine line between the abled and disabled worlds all’ my life," says Bethune, a former soloist with the New York City Ballet who starred on Broadway in Tommy Tune’s production of Grand Hotel. Born and raised in New York City, Bethune, 47, started formal ballet training at age 6 with legendary choreographer George Balanchine. But during A. She was born and raised in New York City and never left ever since. B. She was 34 when she started the program called Infinite Dreams. C. She was trained at a very early age, and the training and practice last long. D. She went through a host of medical problems at the age 6. [单选题]不具备公开招标条件的,鼓励充分竞争,优先采用公开()采购方式。
A.单一来源采购 B.询价采购 C.竞争性谈判 D.按需采购 [单项选择]经纬仪测角时,采用盘左和盘右两个位置观测取平均值的方法,不能消除的误差为()
A. 视准轴误差 B. 横轴误差 C. 照准部偏心差 D. 水平度盘刻划误差 [判断题]《安规》第3.5.4条,钢轨打磨时,其他人员应远离打磨前方.
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]进入棚车的流动装卸机械总重(含货物重量)不得超过8吨。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]躯体重力错觉产生的常见情景是().
A. 飞机很快地加速或减速时 B. 1000米以上高空飞行时 C. 飞行员状态不好时 [判断题]电阻式有载分接开关是指过滤电路采用电阻作为限流元件的有载分接开关;电阻式有载分接开关按结构和动作原理不同可分为组合式和复合式两种有载分接开关
[单项选择]一个主报表最多只能包含 ______ 级子报表。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单项选择]
Text 3 [单选题]Windows是一种( )的操作系统。
A.多任务、多用户 B.支持网络、字符界面 C.图形界面、多用户 D.多任务、图形界面 我来回答: 提交