It is 2 a. m. You took too long over
dinner, the coast is still a couple of hundred kilometers away and it is
essential to get that early morning ferry. And your car radiator pipe bas split.
At times like that, the documents making up your insurance kit lying in the
front of your car seem useless. The nearest phone was passed three kilometers
back, and it would be reasonable to expect some delay in getting breakdown
assistance when you have finally phoned through. If on the other hand, you’ve got a spare in the car, five minutes’ work should see you on your way again. The majority of breakdowns do involve minor and easily changed parts. A few basic tools and the right mix of spares are well worth the space they take up. But to sort out which ones are most likely to be needed, and to buy them, can be expensive. That is why A. to spend five minutes checking the car before you leave B. to carry some emergency spares with you C. to buy a cheap set of spares before leaving D. to prevent all breakdowns from happening [单项选择]女,18岁,汽油火焰烧伤双下肢(包括臀部),创面渗出明显,创基潮红,触痛明显,皮肤温度高,则该病人烧伤面积及深度诊断是()。
A. 46%,浅二度 B. 40%,深二度 C. 5%,浅二度 D. 54%,二度 E. 30%,三度 [单选题]通过道路铺设水带时应铺设上( )。
A.水带挂钩 B.水带护桥 C.水带包布 D.毛毯 [单项选择]地方消防经费收入包括()、预算外资金收入和其他收入。
A. 拨入经常费 B. 拨入专项经费 C. 预算拨款收入 D. 利息收入 [单项选择]给小儿测量血压时,血压计袖带的宽度应为上臂长度的()
A. 1/4 B. 1/3 C. 1/2 D. 2/3 E. 2/5 [简答题]简述小汽机及汽泵跳闸条件
[单选题] 患儿,3岁,近1年多哭甚时出现青紫。查体:心前区隆起,胸骨左缘第3~4肋间可闻及Ⅳ级收缩期杂音,可触及震颤。X线检查示:左右心室及左房增大,肺血管影增多,肺动脉段凸出,此患儿如决定手术必须做的检查是(1.0)
A. 心电图 B. 磁共振成像 C. 心功能检查 D. 心导管检查 E. 超声心动图 [单项选择]支座装配后,其垫板与筒体必须(),目的是为了保证整体的装配质量。
A. 先调整 B. 先装焊 C. 后装焊 D. 后下料 [填空题]在TBA22中()表示纵封.
A.隧道排水 B.防火消防 C.疏散乘客 D.汇水排水 [判断题]道岔转换试验前,停止对本转辙设备的部分作业,离开道岔转辙部位,站立在线路外侧,确认清场后撤除安全木楔子并接通设备安全接点,再转换道岔。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]有下列哪些罪行的人不能请求或享有受庇护的权利()
A. 破坏和平罪 B. 刑事犯罪 C. 政治犯罪 D. 空中劫持罪 [判断题]被处罚人不服行政拘留处罚决定,申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼的,可以向复议机关或者人民法院提出暂缓执行行政拘留的申请。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]氨茶碱的主要平喘机制为()。
A. 直接舒张支气管 B. 抑制磷酸二酯酶 C. 激活鸟苷酸环化酶 D. 抑制腺苷酸环化酶 E. 促进肾上腺激素的释放 [单项选择]Rabies is_____.
A. a disease which is infectious, caused by virus of dogs and wild flesh-eating animals B. a disease caused by evil spirits C. a disease spread by man and all warm-blooded animals D. a disease causes animals to be vicious and violent [填空题]经全国第三届人大常委会审议,______年正式批准设立“中国旅行游览事业管理局”,______年改为“中华人民共和国国家旅游局”。
[单选题]采用TGP进行超前地质预报时,在反射波地质解释过程中当纵波表现为负反射振幅时,可能出现的地质情况是( )。
A.断层区 B.岩溶区 C.围岩变硬 D.围岩变软 [单项选择]—Could I borrow your dictionary
—Yes, of, course, you______. A. might B. will C. can D. should 我来回答: 提交