The year 1400 opened with more
peacefulness than usual in England. Only a few months before, Richard II, weak,
wicked, and treacherous, had been deposed (废黜), and Henry IV declared king in
his stead. But it was only a seeming peacefulness, lasting for but a little
while; for though King Henry proved himself a just and a merciful man—as justice
and mercy went with the men of iron of those days—and though he did not care to
shed blood needlessly, there were many noble families who had been benefited by
King Richard during his reign, and who had lost somewhat of their power and
prestige from the coming in of the new king. Among these were a number of great lords who had been degraded from their former rifles and estates, from which degradation King Richard had lifted them. They planned to fail upon King Henry and his followers a A. He was the best king England had ever had. B. He was unfair and cowardly. C. He was just as evil as King Richard. D. He was a better ruler than King Richard. [单项选择]
Strong bonds can exist in dating relationships. My cousin Candice and her friend Louis started dating casually last year. As the months passed, they began seeing only each other, and now they enjoy a close relationship. They are neither married or engaged but are constant companions and consider each other best friends. Candice’s friends think of them as a couple and recognize their special relationship. [单选题]
将存储器分为主存储器、高速缓冲存储器和 BIOS 存储器,这是按 ( ) 标准来划分. A.工作原理 B.封装形式 C.功能 D.结构 [单选题]整体倒塔时应有专人指挥,设立()倍倒杆距离警戒区,由专人巡查监护,明确倒杆方向。
A.1 B.1.1 C.1.2 D.1.3 [判断题]人口普查短表根据国家规定的办法,抽出10%的户填报。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]为了适应环境,组织所进行的变革主要有组织的()
A. 科学变革 B. 技术变革 C. 社会变革 D. 文化变革 E. 结构变革 [单项选择]下列不属于同产业共同配送好处的是( )。
A. 提高企业间的物流效率 B. 提高企业资金利用率 C. 减少对物流固定资产的投资 D. 更好地满足顾客企业降低成本的需求 [单选题]下列哪项不属肛查了解的范围
A.先露高低 B.宫口开大情况 C.髂耻内径长度 D.中骨盆平面大小 E.胎方位 [多项选择]验算导体用的短路电流,应按下列情况中的( )进行计算。
A. 除计算短路电流的衰减时间常数外,元件的电阻可略去不计 B. 在电气联结的网络中应计及具有反馈作用的异步电动机的影响和电容补偿装置放电电流的影响 C. 导体的动稳定、热稳定,可按三相短路验算,当单相、两相接地短路较三相短路严重时,应按严重情况校验 D. 确定短路电流时,应按可能发生最大短路电流的正常接线方式计算 [判断题]固定资产初始购建时发生的装修支出计入固定资产装修科目核算。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] ( )高压胶管是由内胶层、中胶层和外胶层所组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]狂犬病毒通过破损的皮肤或黏膜侵入人体后通过哪条途径上行到中枢神经系统()。
A. 血液系统 B. 淋巴系统 C. 神经系统 D. 消化系统 E. 呼吸系统 我来回答: 提交