An international team of research
scientists has created a new kind of rice that contains Vitamin A. The
researchers used genetic engineering to create the new rice. Genetic engineering
is the technology of changing the genes of living things. The researchers say
the rice could help millions of people who do not get enough Vitamin A in the
food they eat. The findings were published in Science magazine. Vitamin A is necessary for the body’s natural defense system against disease. Vitamin A is needed to help prevent skin and other tissues from drying out. It also produces a light-sensitive substance in the eyes. People who do not get enough Vitamin A cannot see well in the dark. They may develop a condition that dries the eyes. The condition can result in infections that lead to blindness.< [单选题]松开抱间时 ,操作方法是 ( )。
A.两人把持盘车柄 ,缓慢地松 开抱闸 B.两人把持盘车柄 ,连续地松开抱 C.无所谓 [判断题]一天傍晚,甲在一僻静的胡同口遇见一位妇女,突然将该妇女抱住, 正欲实施强奸时,附近有人走动,于是甲匆忙逃走。甲的行为属于犯罪中止。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]黄疸消退后的肝脾不调证方选( )
A.茵陈四苓散 B.归芍六君子汤 C.鳖甲煎汤 D.黄芪建中汤 E.调营饮 [判断题]在站线上作业的整装零担车装车作业完了时分的确定,以填妥货票时分为准。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一级毒性物质距离乘坐旅客的车辆不少于()辆
A.A.4 B.B.3 C.C.5 D.D.8 [多选题]多选题
A.转型后智e通系统包括转型前以下哪些渠道系统() B.手机银行(wap) C.手机银行(客户端) D.手机银行(短信版) E.网上银行 [单选题]第一次世界大战的导火索是()。
A.萨拉热窝事件 B.慕尼黑阴谋 C.德军闪击波兰 D.俄军入侵罗马尼亚 [填空题]和谐型电力机车采用了新型的空气干燥器,有利于( )的干燥,减少制动系统阀件的故障率。
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