Moviegoers may think history is
repeating itself this weekend. The summer’s most anticipated film, Pearl Harbor,
which has opened recently, painstakingly recreates the Japanese attack that drew
the United States into World War II. But that isn’t the film’s only reminder of
the past. Harbor invites comparison to Titanic, the biggest hit of ail time. Like Titanic, Harbor heaps romance and action around a major historical event. Like Titanic, Harbor attempts to create popular global entertainment from a deadly real life. Like Titanic, Harbor costs a pretty penny and hopes to get in even more at the box office. Both Titanic and Pearl Harbor unseal their tales of love and tragedy over more than three hours. Both stories center on young passion, triangles of tension with one woman and two men: In Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio and B A. both spent large amount of money on special effects B. both have soundtracks starring a major pop star C. both added made up stories to historical events D. both are documentary movies of historical events [判断题]监测单位应当编制监测方案。监测方案由监测单位技术负责人审核签字并加盖单位公章,报送监理单位后方可实施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]若某年的10月份有5个星期四,他们的日期之和为80,那么这个月的4号是星期几?( )
A.一 B.二 C.五 D.六 [判断题]维护社会治安秩序和社会稳定是公安机关的重要目标。( )
()汽化时与液体接触较与蒸汽接触的部位更易腐蚀。 A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列措施中,属于行政处分的有()。
A. 警告 B. 记过 C. 降级 D. 撤职 E. 开除 [单选题]人体正常的糖原贮备,在饥饿状态下最多能供应的时间为()
A.8小时 B.12小时 C.16小时 D.24小时 E.48小时 [单选题]接近被连挂的车辆时,不准超过()km/h。
A.3 B.5 C.8 D.10 [判断题]电弧喷铝涂层,电弧喷铝完成后4h内应覆盖封孔剂。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] [单选]塔式起重机独立状态(或附着状态下最高附着点以上塔身)塔身轴心线对支 承面的垂直度不大于()。
A.1 / 1000 B.2 / 1000 C.3 / 1000 D.4 / 1000 [判断题]划拨的存款、汇款以及拍卖和依法处理所得的款项应当上缴国库或者划入财政专户。任何行政机关或者个人不得以任何形式截留、私分或者变相私分。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Which of the following statements is true according to the article
A. There is a cluster of island west of the Transantartic Mountain. B. Scientific research on Antarctica only centers on the ice and snow there. C. Dry valleys may be a place to dispose of our pollutants. D. All the countries on earth should be concerned about the health of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. [判断题]井架的主要功用是安放天车,悬吊游动滑车、大钩、吊环、吊卡、吊钳等起升设备与工具,并存放钻具。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]财产所有人将财产赠给( )所书立的凭证,免征印花税。
A. 政府 B. 社会福利单位 C. 国有企业 D. 学校 [单项选择]膜材PVA05-88中,05表示
A. 聚合度 B. 醇解度 C. 水解度 D. 酸解度 E. 黏度 [单项选择]氧化反应器紧急停车后,环氧乙烷洗涤塔应该()。
A. 降低吸收水温度 B. 降低吸收水流量 C. 降塔釜液位 D. 提高吸收水流量 [判断题]装、拆接地线,应作好记录,交接班时应交待清楚。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交