In the world of climate change, it is in the Earth’s cold regions where trends can most easily be seen. The cryosphere, where water is found in solid form, is among the most sensitive regions to temperature change.
The sensitivity of ice and snow to temperature changes is an early indicator of even relatively small differences, says University of Colorado at Boulder senior researcher Richard Armstrong. He has found that today’s receding and thinning sea ice, mountain glacier mass losses, decreasing snow extent, melting permafrost (永久冻土), and rising sea level are all consistent with warming.
Global mean temperatures have risen one degree Fahrenheit over the past 100 years. with more than half of the increase occurring in the last 25 years, observes Armstrong who is affiliated with the National Snow and Ice Data Center headquartered at CU-Boulder.
"As slight as that may seem, it’s enough to make a difference, " said Armstrong. &qu
A. attract more contributions to the cryospheric regions
B. make more people realize the threats of climate change
C. stimulate further research into the changes in ice thickness
D. celebrate its 25th anniversary and discuss changes in the cryosphere
In England recently three foreigners came to a bus stop. About 5 minutes later the bus they wanted came along. They prepared to board it. Suddenly there was a loud noise behind them. People rushed on to the bus and tried to push them out of the way. Someone shouted insulting remarks about foreigners. The bus conductor came rushing down the stairs to see what all the trouble was about. The three foreigners looked puzzled and embarrassed. No one had told them about the British custom of queuing for a bus so that the first person who arrived at a bus stop is the first person to get on the bus.
Learning the language of a country isn’ t enough. If you want to have a pleasant visit, find out as much as possible a bout the manners and customs of your hosts. You will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own. A visitor to India would do well to remember that people there consider it impolite to use the left hand for passing food at table. Th
A. they did not queue for the bus
B. they were foreigners
C. the people were unfriendly
D. there were not any reasons
阅读以下文字,完成下面问题。 人脑在生命头几个月进程中的发育是生物学上自我构成的最为值得提及的形式之一。从诞生的那一刻起,人就来到了一个充满刺激的世界。猛烈的外界刺激潮水般涌入婴儿的睡——醒周期的时间节拍,他的睡——醒行为是受他的大脑神经元结构控制的。新生儿的大脑于是自己生成一个时间程序,让外界感官刺激依照这一时间程序而通过,避免过多的刺激涌入,对新的印象进行整理并在睡眠的相应阶段加以深化。在这里,各种各样、形形色色的具有超常周期与昼夜周期的内源节律共同出力编制睡——醒阶段的模式。随着时间一个月一个月地过去,大脑一天一天地发育,睡——醒行为的内在时间程序也不断变化。这个时间程序以此反映婴儿大脑的不断发育情况。但人类大脑的自我构成功能并非只从诞生时刻才开始。在诞生的这一时刻,自我构成功能已经在发育的道路上走过一大截路了。新生儿的那些令人惊奇的行为便是有力的证明。新生儿生命的寿命还在出生之前若干星期,亦即还在母腹中就已开始了。 母亲只要觉察到腹中胎儿在动,就每天念两遍童话《国王、老鼠和奶酪》。她大声地念,慢慢地念——从头到尾要3分钟。就这样,到了分娩的那一天,婴儿出生后竟然就知道这个童话! 新生儿的这种非凡的能耐不难加以证实。在橡皮奶头里装上一个压力传感器,用以记录吮吸动作。然后给婴儿戴上一个耳机,有选择地播放两则童话给他听。两则童话都由婴儿的母亲来念——而且念的速度、声音太小、语调全都一样。这两则童话分别用立体声磁带给录制下来。婴儿吮吸得较通常速度快时,让他听到一则童话;他吮吸得较慢时,让他听到另一则童话。在这种方式下,新生儿能够区分他喜欢听哪一则童话。两则童话中一则是本原的,另一则在形式上作了些改动——只是把所有角色的名字都作了改换。新生儿连细微的差别都发现了,在试验进行几分钟后找到了他要改变自己吮吸频率的方向——他可以通过改变吮吸频率使耳机传来他想要听的那则童话。他所想要听到的始终是本原童话,亦即他在母腹中常常听到的那则童话。 上面所描述的方法以多种形式运行,目的在于弄清新生儿对说话声音和语言形式之间差别进行感知的能力到底有多大。如果让婴儿母亲与另一位女人读同一篇
A. 时间程序是由潮水般涌入新生儿大脑的强烈的外界刺激共同编制而成
B. 时间程序通过大脑对新的印象进行整理并在睡眠的相应阶段加以深化
C. 恒定的内在时间程序主要表现在新生儿的睡——醒阶段这一固定的模式上
D. 睡——醒行为的内在时间程序不断变化,并以此反映婴儿大脑的发育情况
试述其主要临床表现。该阶段机体释放的炎性介质主要有哪些2006年10月,甲公司与乙公司签订了一份涂料买卖合同,甲公司向乙公司购买优质涂料,共1000大桶,每桶1000元,共计价款人民币100万元。因甲公司资金周转暂时有困难,甲乙在合同中约定:甲公司以其一套价值约为150万元的机器抵押给乙公司以担保其货款的支付;办理抵押登记后,乙公司于半个月内发货,乙公司交付的涂料的质量应当与其在订立合同之前交给甲公司的样品(一桶涂料)的质量相同;货到甲公司交付后,甲公司取得货物的所有权,甲公司在收到货物后3个月内支付全部价款。2006年11月,甲乙办理了抵押权登记。2006年12月5日,甲公司收到乙公司按照约定的期限交付的1000桶涂料,经甲公司检验发现,乙公司交付的涂料中有 100桶的质量低于样品的质量。2006年12月2日,甲公司向丙银行借款60万元,借期3个月,丙银行要求甲公司提供担保,甲公司于是将其抵押给乙公司的这套机器又质押给了丙银行,并将这套机器交付丙银行占有。2007年4月1日,甲公司仍然未向乙公司支付货款,乙公司欲行使对抵押机器的抵押权,甲公司则要求乙公司承担因交付的货物质量不完全符合合同约定所应承担的违约责任。与此同时,丙银行又向甲公司主张偿还贷款,甲无力偿还,丙也欲行使其对甲的这套机器的质押权。甲、乙、丙三方争执不下。请回答下面问题。 |