They give Action Man a certain
ruggedness and bestow instant testosterone (肾上腺激素) on movie heroes, and
according to British psychologists, facial scars can also make men more
attractive to the opposite sex. Men with mild facial scars were typically ranked
as more appealing by women who were looking for a brief relationship, though
they were not considered better as marriage material, a study found. In the same
experiments, women with facial scars were judged to be as attractive as those
without, the researchers said. The sexual allure of the facial scar has long puzzled psychologists. Many believe they are seen by women as a sign of masculinity and an exciting, risk-taking personality, though in Shakespeare’s Ali’s Well that Ends Well, an old lord, Lafeu, takes a different view, commenting: "A scar nobly got, or a no A. must had gone to the army B. are not welcomed in the movies C. are more attractive to the opposite sex D. are more suitable for marriage [单选题]地板与墙面应预留( )的间距。( )
A.1~5mm B.10~15mm C.8~12mm D.5~8mm [单项选择]全球变暖是老天爷对人类开出的罚单.便宜且容易利用的矿石燃料,是推动近现代经济增长的重要源泉之一,但科学证明,这可能带来灾难性的气候变化.目前不得不面对的现实是,人类必须为自己的排放买单.如果世界上只有一个国家,此事就相对简单,不管成本多大,最终都由这个国家承担.但问题是,世界上有许多国家,国情历史大不相同,这张巨额罚单究竟在各国间如何分配,就成了关于全球变暖问题谈判最核心的问题.所有的国家,他们做出的所有的减排承诺,最后都会有一张价格标签,承诺越多,价码越高. 这段文字意在说明:
A. 减排成本份额应按各国的排放量合理分配 B. 沉重的减排成本有可能拖累全球经济增长 C. 遏制全球变暖需要支付巨额经济成本 D. 利益是应对全球变暖问题的最大症结 [填空题]机车乘务组以外人员登乘机车时,除铁路机车运用管理规则指定的人员外,须凭()登乘。
A. 治疗效果 B. 技术交往 C. 非技术交往 D. 言语交往 E. 非言语交往 [多选题]临时配电箱必须装有独立的漏电保护开关,禁止多台( )共用一个电源开关,配电箱都应接零(接地)。
A.焊机 B.电动工具 C.切割机 D.钻孔机 [填空题]Amazingly for the British, who love queues, there is no formal line-up -- the bar staff are skilled at knowing whose turn it is. You are (36) to try to attract attention, but there are rules about how to do this. Do not call out, tap coins on the counter, (37) your finger or wave like a drowning swimmer. And whatever you do, do not ring the bell hanging behind the counter -- this is used by the landlord to (38) closing time. The (39) thing is to catch the bar worker’s eyes. Do adopt an (40) , hopeful, even slightly anxious facial (41) . If you look too contented and complacent, the bar staff may (42) you are already being served.
Always say "please" and try to remember some of the British bar staffs pet hates. They do not like people who wait until the end of the order before asking for such drinks as Guinness stout which take (43) longer to pour than other drinks. (44) . One D [多选题]接入低压配电网的分布式电源,并网点应安装()、具备开断故障电流能力的开断设备。
A.易操作 B.可闭锁 C.具有明显开断指示 D.电网侧应能接地 [单选题]数十至数百毫安的小电流通过人体短时间使人致命的最危险的原因是引起( )。
A.昏迷 B.严重麻痹 C.心室纤维性颤动 我来回答: 提交