Until recently, most American
entrepreneurs (企业家)were men. Discrimination against women in business, the
demands of caring for families, and lack of business training had kept the
number of women entrepreneurs small. Now, however, businesses owned by women
account for more than $40 billion in annual revenues, and this figure is likely
to continue rising throughout the 1980s. As Carolyn Doppelt Gray, an official of
the Small Business Administration, has noted, "The 1970s was the decade of women
entering management, and the 1980s has turned out to be the decade of the woman
entrepreneur." What are some of the factors behind this trend For one thing, as more women earn advanced degrees in business and enter the corporate world, they are finding obstacles. Women are still excluded from most executive suites. Charlotte Taylor, a manageme A. point out that initially the financial resources of Sandra Kurtzig’s business were limited B. show the resourcefulness of Sandra Kurtzig C. suggest that the company need to expand D. show the disadvantage of women in business [单选题]一类高层民用建筑自备发电设备,应设有自动启动装置 ,并应在( )s内供电
A.20 B.30 C.45 D.60 [多选题]当班期间禁止以下( )哪些行为。
A.打牌 B.饮酒 C.赌博 D.擅自脱岗 [单选题]正常转弯时(坡度小于33°),飞行员
A.压侧杆同时使用方向舵脚蹬 B.不必进行俯仰修正,不必使用方向舵 C.保持侧杆偏转不能松开 [简答题]外来工作人员进入工作场所单独从事危险性较大的工作是严重违章。
A.黑龙江 B.松花江 C.乌苏里江 [填空题]
The Developing of A Private Car With the increase in general standard of living, some ordinary Chinese families begin to afford a car. Yet opinions of the development of a private car vary from person to person. Some claim that there are many advantages in possessing a car. It gives a much greater degree of comfort and mobility. The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport or taxis. However, others strongly object to developing private cars. They maintain that as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a larger volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people. Whether private cars should be developed in China is a difficult question to answer. Yet the desire for the comfort and independence that a private car can bring won’t be eliminated. The Development of A Private Car
[单选题]施工用电设施应按批准的方案进行施工,竣工后应经( )方可投入使用。
A.验收合格 B.检查 C.批准 D.查验 [单选题]司机在调车作业中应时刻注意确认信号,没有信号( 指令 )不准动车,信号( 指令 )不清( )。
A.立即减速 B.再次确认 C.立即停车 [简答题]农民工进城务工幸福感,没有在乡下种田幸福感高。如何看待
A. 为眶周粘连松解提供良好视野 B. 有放大视野的作用,利于保护组织 C. 切口小,损伤小。 D. 头发脱落和头皮感觉障碍的风险小 E. 需要额外固定 [判断题]遇有六级以上(含六级)风应升级动火作业,加强现场管控。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]水泥混凝土面层的强度等级应符合设计要求,且水泥混凝土面层强度等级应不小于( )。
A. C10 B. C15 C. C20 D. C25 [单项选择]患者男,27岁,有癫痫病史,检查:见牙龈增生覆盖牙冠的1/2,袋深4~6mm,前牙有移位最可能的诊断是()
A. 糖尿病型牙周炎 B. 增生性牙龈炎 C. 牙龈纤维瘤病 D. 药物性牙龈增生 E. 维生素C缺乏症 [单选题]充气连接管路的接口安装在报警阀气室充注水位以上部位,充气连接管道的直径不得小于( )mm。
A.20 B.15 C.10 D.5 [单项选择]工程造价管理指的是()和工程价格管理。
A. 工程成本管理 B. 工程投资费用管理 C. 建设市场管理 D. 计价依据管理 [单项选择]()是指按内容访问的存储器。
A. 虚拟存储器 B. 相联存储器 C. 高速缓存(Cache) D. 随机访问存储器 [单选题]男性,40 岁,近期有糖尿病史。下肢静脉曲张多年,右小腿下 1/3 处皮肤反 复发生红斑、丘疱疹、糜烂、渗液、痒,已数年。考虑诊断为()
A. 干燥性湿疹 B. 钱币形湿疹 C. 外伤性湿疹 D. 糖尿病性溃疡 E. 淤积性皮炎 [单选题]国家对野生动物实行保护优先、()、严格监管的原则,鼓励开展野生动物科学研究,培育公民保护野生动物的意识,促进人与自然和谐发展。
A.规范利用 B.合理利用 C.适度利用 D.鼓励利用 [单项选择]《建设项目环境影响评价资质管理办法》规定:国家环境保护总局负责对评价机构实施统一监督管理,( )对评价机构进行抽查,并向社会公布有关情况。
A. 组织或委托省级环境保护行政主管部门组织 B. 组织 C. 委托省级环境保护行政主管部门组织 D. 委托设区的市级以上环境保护行政主管部门组织 [单项选择]()描述网络上数据从一个节点传送到另一个节点所经历的时间。
A. 带宽 B. 延迟 C. 传输速率 D. 丢包率 E. 吞吐量 [多选题]直流系统在变电站中为控制、( )及事故照明等提供可靠的直流电源。
A.信号 B.继电保护 C.电动机 D.自动装置 [单选题] 网关箱接地线应以软导线与接地的金属构架可靠连接,软导线应选用( )mm2及以上的单股多芯铜导线。 (1.0分)
A. 1.5 B. 2.5 C. 4 D. 6 [单选题]现有一台额定转速493r/min的三相交流异步电动机,则其转差率s是( )。
A.0.012 B.0.014 C.0.016 D.0.018 [单选题] 串励直流电动机,当负载增大时,其转速下降很多,其机械特性称为( )特性。
A.硬 B.较软 C.软 D.较硬 [单项选择]In Amsterdam ( 阿姆斯特丹), there is an unusual Children Restaurant. It is run (经营) by children. From the manager to the cooks, waiters and other members are all children from six to twelve years old. They themselves do all the necessary work such as cooking and cleaning. These children are selected (挑选) in Amsterdam. After training (培训), they may work in the Restaurant for four weeks. All of them like their work.
This restaurant was founded (创办) in 1983 by a woman cook, who wanted to give the children chances to learn to be useful to the public. And now she is the only adult (大人) there, but her job is just to take care of the children. The Restaurant is welcomed almost by everyone. Since there are only 20 seats in the Restaurant, it is always full of people. If you want to have a meal in the restaurant, you must tell them ahead of time (提前). The cost of a meal is different according to different people. Usually four dollars for each adult, but much cheaper for the children. [简答题]《中国铁路上海局集团有限公司旅客投诉处理实施细则》的通知(上铁客〔2018〕179号)中规定,在问题未调查清楚前,不得轻易向旅客<--NRC-->。
[多选题]下列违反治安管理行为人中,依法应当给予行政拘留处罚但不执行的有( )
A.赵某,15周岁,殴打同学致其轻微伤 B.钱某,13周岁,盗窃邻居财物300元 C.孙某,71周岁,以滋扰他人的方式乞讨 D.周某,正在哺乳妹妹的女儿,诈骗他人财物500元 [单项选择]根据健康概念的论述,指出下列哪项理解最为准确()
A. 健康即无病 B. 健康即不虚弱 C. 健康是身体、精神、社会适应均处于完好状态 D. 健康即健壮 E. 健康是身体各系统均无病理变化 [判断题]司机发现通过信号机故障时,应将故障信号机的号码通知前方站车站值班员。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交