{{B}}Passage One Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}} |
Universities the world over love symbols from medieval scholastic garb at degree ceremonies to the owls and scrolls of scholastic badge. But for many universities, especially in Britain and elsewhere in Europe, a more accurate emblem would include slummy buildings, dog eared books and demoralized dons. That’s why Britain’s government is next week risking defeat in the House of Commons to bring more private money into the country’s universities’--and why European and developing countries now busy expanding higher education need to think hard about how much government involvement is good for universities.
41)__________. America’s flourishing universities exemplify the former Europe’s the latter. Britain’s government wants to move towards the American modal. The subject of next week’ s rebellion is a bill that would allow English universities Scotland and Wales are different to charge up to 3000 pounds (5460 dollars) in tuition
One thing that distinguishes the online
world from the real one is that it is very easy to find things. To find a copy
of The Economist in print, one has to go to a news-stand, which may or may not
carry it. Finding it online, though, is a different proposition. Just go to
Google, type in "economist" and you will be instantly directed to economist.com.
Though it is difficult to remember now, this was not always the case. Indeed,
until Google, now the world’s most popular search engine, came on to the scene
in September 1998, it was not the case at all. As in the physical world,
searching online was a hit-or-miss affair. Google was vastly better than anything that had come before: so much better, in fact, that it changed the way many people use the web. Almost overnight, it made the web far more useful, A. today Google has become a commonplace way to find information online B. Google made a great contribution to searching online C. Google changed a lot D. Google is different from other search engines [单项选择]以下关于唇裂、腭裂的叙述哪项是错误的()
A. 外科手术整复是主要的治疗方法 B. 应采用综合序列治疗来达到功能与外形的恢复 C. 唇裂病员无法形成"腭咽闭合" D. 腭裂病员术后应作语音训练 E. 颌骨继发畸形的治疗常在16岁以后进行 [单项选择]滑车神经受损时眼球向哪一方向出现运动障碍()。
A. 外下 B. 内上 C. 外上 D. 内下 E. 以上均不是 [单选题]Vmax≤120km/h区段桥上线路中线与梁跨设计中线的偏差钢梁不应大于( )。
A.20mm B.30mm C.40mm D.50mm [单选题] 公安民警如今经常会遭遇群众围观拍摄,面临着日渐增大的舆论压力,这主要是因为( )的日渐普及。
A. 数码摄像机 B. 数码相机 C. IPAD D. 智能手机 [多选题]宽带薪酬结构的特点有( )。
A.不利于工作绩效改进 B.支持扁平型组织结构 C.不利于工作岗位变动 D.不利于员工自我发展 E.有利于管理人员的角色转变 [判断题]()在使用雷达液位计时,由于是微波传送,也要空气介质。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )反映社会进步的发展方向,引领时代的进步潮流,是社会的主旋律和时代的最强音。
A.民族精神 B.时代精神 C.爱国精神 D.创造精神 我来回答: 提交