It might appear to any casual visitor
who may have taken a few rides about town in a taxicab that all New Yorkers are
filled with a loudmouthed iii will towards each other. The fact of the , matter
is, though, that however cold and cruel things seem on the surface, there has
never been a society of people in all history with so much compassion for its
fellow man. It clothes, feeds, and houses 15 percent of its own because 1.26
million people in New York are unable to do it for themselves. You couldn’t call
that cold or cruel. Everyone must have seen pictures at least of the great number of poor people who live in New York. And it seems strange, in view of this, that so many people come here seeking their fortune. But if anything about the city’s population is more expressive than the great number of poor people, it’s the gr A. they don’t like New York at all B. they don’t like the old things in New York C. they don’t know much about New York’s past D. they do not relate New York’s past to their own roots [判断题]一块公称厚度为12mm、耐火性能为非隔热类(C类),耐火等级为1.00h的单位防火玻璃标记如下:FFB-12-C1.00。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]控制系统是指由被控对象和控制装置所构成的,能够对被控对象的工作状态进行调节、使之具有一定的状态和性能的系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]小李是某银行职员,7月4日小李为张先生办理的存款业务,对假币略有所知的小李发现其中有一张人民币100元纸币疑似为假币,他将假币交给储蓄主管,储蓄主管将这张100元纸币拿到2楼办公室,和同事们仔细辨别,确认是假币后,于是在假币正面水印处加盖了假币章,并开具了《假币没收收据》,盖完章,返回柜台将凭证交给张先生。上述案例中,违反假币收缴程序的是()。
A.未在背面中间处加盖假币印章; B.收缴过程离开了持有人视线范围,没有做到“当面收缴”、“当面盖章”; C.银行应开具《假币收缴凭证》而非假币没收收据; D.没有履行告知程序。 [判断题]机车前后挂有车辆时,推进的车辆只准一次溜完(推峰解散车辆时除外)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]行车时间以北京时间为准,从( )起计算,实行24小时制。
A. 零时 B. 5时 C. 6时 D. 12时 [单选题]人工挖孔桩基础施工,当孔深超过5m时,宜用风机或风扇向孔内送风不少于( )min,排除孔内浑浊空气。
A.2 B.3 C.5 D.10 E./ F./ G./ H./ [单项选择]商品化会计软件不给用户提供源代码程序,只提供经过加密处理的软件,这样的软件所具有的特点是( )。
A. 通用性 B. 保密性 C. 适应性 D. 经济性 [单项选择]上市公司最常见、最主要的资本公积金来源是()。
A. 股票发行溢价 B. 接受的赠与 C. 资产增值 D. 因合并而接受其他公司资产净额 [判断题]减压启动有几种方法,其中延边三角形减压启动可适用于任何电动机。()
A.理论创新 B.制度创新 C.技战术创新 D.实战创新 [填空题]列检作业场的作业线路应( )设置工具材料分存箱,满足铁路货车故障修理的需要,工具材料分存箱应规格统一,实行定置管理。
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