The recent boom in technological
advances, formation of new businesses, and personal (1) is
the third, and most dramatic, such wave (2) by the computer
industry in the last twenty-five years. The first wave (3)
tangible products—"hardware," as (4) the computer programs
that (5) software. In the 1960s and 1970s companies in the
Santa Clara Valley, between San Jose and San Francisco, produced silicon memory
chips for computers— (6) the name Silicon Valley.
Then they produced silicon logic chips, (7) direct a
computer’s operation. Then many produced computers (8)
. The great (9) from the hardware era include those of the Hewlett and Packard families, of Hewlett-Packard, which started (10) money in the presilicon era, with scientific instruments. The A. constitute B. consist of C. include D. lead to [单选题]泥(页)岩密度计的仪器技术指标包括:分辨率为________。
A. B. C. D.略 E.略 F.略 [多选题]隔离开关按操作方式分主要有( )隔离开关。
A.手动 B.电动 C.气动 D.液压式 [判断题]潜水泵的电源要接地可靠,不需加装漏电保护器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]列车运行速度不超过() km/h的区段,预告信号机与其主体信号机的安装距离不得小于800 m,当预告信号机的显示距离不足400 m时,其安装距离不得小于1 000 m。
A.300 B.250 C.200 D.120 [单项选择]关于慢性游走性红斑下列说法错误的是()
A. 多数患者系蜱叮咬后,由螺旋体感染而发病 B. 本病可为Lyme病早期皮肤表现 C. 好发于上肢 D. 环形进行性扩张性红斑是本病的特征性皮疹 E. 经数周至数月皮疹可自然消退 [单选题] 数据库表是用来组织和保存各种数据,由数据和()两部分组成。
A. 视图 B. 结构 C. 关系 D. 查询表 [单项选择]氧化亚氮的MAC是()
A. 1.77 B. 1.68 C. 1.25 D. 1.05 E. 1.16 [多选题]VQC设计对监控系统的要求包括(_)、数据再处理能力。
A.全面的数据采集 B.适应无人值班站 C.采样精度及信号响应速度 D.遥控、遥调的自动返校执行 E.略 F.略 [单选题]男性,30岁,从三楼跌下左腹部跌伤,左6、7、8肋骨骨折,脾破裂、肠破裂。入院时精神紧张,T38?5℃,面色苍白,肢端冰冷,脉搏细速,P110次/分,血压130/100mmHg,尿量减少。该病人的休克状态应属于:
A.休克前期 B.中度休克 C.重度休克 D.暖休克 E.冷休克 [单选题]高锰钢整铸辙叉辙叉翼垂直裂纹,两条裂纹相加长度超过()mm为重伤。
A.40 B.50 C.60 D.80 [简答题]“窈窕淑女”是用来形容女子不仅身材好,而且很有教养。请问该词是出自于哪部著名?
[单选题]骨骼式假肢属于按( )分的
A.结构 B.安装时间 C.假肢的主要用途 D.假肢的制造技术水平 E.以上都不是 [单选题]铁路的职业纪律是通过各种规章、守则、条例和制度表现出来的,具有法规的性质和( )特点。〔122000000〕
A.自觉性 B.强制性 C.协商性 D.主动性 [单选题]08-32捣固车作业走行时,液力机械变速箱的W6轴两端M和BM离合器结合情况是( )。[332030204]
A.M结合、BM松开 B.M结合、BM结合 C.M松开、BM结合 D.M松开、BM松开 [单项选择]乙脑(减毒)活疫苗的接种对象()。
A. 8月龄,2周岁 B. 4月龄,1周岁 C. 6月龄,2周 D. 8月龄,1周岁 [判断题]一般对低压设备和线路,绝缘电阻应不低于0.5MΩ。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]升降人员或升降人员和物料的( )提升罐笼必须装设可靠的防坠器。
A.多绳 B.单绳 C.摩擦轮 [单项选择]根据新的政府收支分类体系,我国按功能分类的财政支出总共分为( )大类。
A. 5 B. 15 C. 17 D. 20 [填空题]Most parents will try not to let their children grow up in an overcrowded flat or house.
Passage 4
As children get older, self-discipline should take the place of imposed discipline. Constrains become internalized and children begin to weigh from within the validity of their promptings (敦 促) . But their tendency to be self-critical, to develop a code of their own, depends on the extent to which they must have kept critical company. The dialogue within reflects the dialogue without that is why discussion is so important during adolescence. Those in authority over children will, therefore, attempt to get children to do what is sensible by appealing to their common sense instead of ordering them around or appealing to their own status. They will not say, "I’m your father and I’m telling you not to smoke," but will point out the dangers involved. It is a further question, however, whether a child’s acceptance of good reasons should be the criterion for his action. If a parent explains to a child why it is stupid an [单项选择]施工过程质量控制是指( )的投入与产出过程的质量控制。
A. 工程产品 B. 施工作业技术活动 C. 材料和设备 D. 施工活动 我来回答: 提交