(一)阅读下面短文,回答问题 去年在南方,终于见识了从小听说的滕王阁。 那天一同登阁的朋友中,有老书家某先生。眼望秋水长天,大家心情舒畅,我随口向老先生求教,从纸到墨,听他讲文房四宝的奥妙。 滕王阁已翻盖一新,阁中层层店铺林立。看见摆的镇纸光色新鲜,盘算是否也买一对。如今作家少文,个个的字都如鸡飞狗趴。我也一样,偶尔写字,怨笔赖墨,而且只有一把英吉沙匕首压纸。足踏着滕王阁的地板,心里寻思,这镇纸只卖十多块,不能说好,但是有落霞孤鹜的字儿,带回一对也算个纪念。 老先生却摇头,以为粗瓷生铜,不值一顾。他说江西书家的案上,没有这种次货,也不使菜刀压纸。镇纸多用檀木自制。我说我的字哪里要什么镇纸,砖头石头,有一块足矣。老先生沉吟半晌,说,我给你做一对吧。 囊匣装着的镇纸被捎来北京时,我正在读一个小说。 急忙掀开囊匣盖子,只见一双白润的檀木,静静躺在紫红的绒布里。真是性灵南国,书 法家还做细木工!抚着满掌光洁,脑中现出柔润檀木划过宣纸的感觉。 怀着一丝谢意,握着镇纸继续读。小说的主人公,正迎面着他第二次的被捕。小说是我的一个朋友写的,历历细微的,满篇都是他在“四人帮”时的苦难遭遇。我用白檀木唰地一划,翻过下一页。 这篇小说,其实是因了我的怂恿,朋友才勉强写了出来。他是个内向的家伙,文字轻描 淡写,但骨子透出凄凉。压力和逆旅,使我们都敏感了,读着我想。 檀木握久了以后,光滑中沁出了一种冰凉。我想快些翻完这篇小说,好给江西的老前辈回信。可是故事却正在有趣处,不由我不先读完。警察监视他的房东,审讯他的女友,他把头上的一张大网,写得纲举目张。 一瞬间我意识到手中的镇纸。掂了一掂,觉得挺沉。确实,檀木决非杨柳杂属,不显形骸,不露纹理。这么一想再掂掂手里小说,突然感觉我辈的感情娇嫩。不是么,以前我的那些劳什子,不更是又嫩又酸么。 丢开小说,摩挲着檀木镇纸,心里不禁佩服。世间最不外露的,怕就是这光洁之物了。其实当初斧子劈锛子凿,它的内里该都是坑疤。人也一样,每逢出事,当事人处当时,都要让肉长的心迎着刀刃,哪怕它伤痕累累。 囊匣下面,覆着一条墨纸,我取出来一看,原来是老者的题字: 直木顶千斤 江西民谚 趁着一时感悟,我提笔兑墨,用这一对白檀木压住纸边。想了半天,编了两句,哪管字迹蠢劣,与江西老者唱和了
A. 人生当如直木,不必多言斧凿之苦
B. 生命当如直木般自然发展
C. 人生若如直木,就不必受斧凿之罪
D. 木头如长得直,就不必费力斧凿加工
Unlike their American or European counterparts, car salesmen in Japan work hard to get a buyer. Instead of lying lazily around showrooms waiting for customers to drop by, many Japanese car salesmen still go out to get them. They walk wearily along the streets selling cars door-to-door. New customers are hunted with fruit and cakes on their birth- days. But life is getting tough, and not just because new-car sales are falling.
With more Japanese women(who often control the household budget) going out to work, the salesmen increasingly find nobody at home when they call. That means another visit in the evening or at the weekend. Then they face an extra problem: more people, especially the young, prefer to choose a new car from a showroom where they can compare different models.
Even as late as the mid-1980s some 90 percent of new cars were sold door-to-door. In some rural areas most new cars are still sold this way. But in the big cities more than half the new cars
A. showing them around in an exhibition
B. arranging insurance
C. paying them a visit on weekends
D. selling old cars for them
A hurricane is a fiercely powerful, rotating form of tropical storm that can be 124 to 1,240 miles in diameter. The term hurricane is derived from Hurican, the name of a native American storm god. Hurricanes are typical of a calm central region of low pressure between 12 to 60 miles in diameter, known as the eye. They occur in tropical regions. Over its lifetime, one of these storms can release as much energy as 10,000 nuclear bombs. The seed for hurricane formation is a cluster of thunderstorms over warm tropical waters. Hurricanes can only form and be fed when the sea-surface temperature exceeds 27℃ and the surrounding atmosphere is calm. These requirements are met between June and November in the northern hemisphere. Under these conditions, large quantities of water evaporate and condense into clouds and rain—releasing heat in the process. It is this heat energy, combined with the rotation of the Earth that
A. To guide, control or direct.
B. To force to go through or push in.
C. To supply the motive force or power and cause to function.
D. To force to move in a particular direction.