Founded in 1386, the oldest university
in Germany and one of the oldest three universities in European Continent (not
including the UK) is the University of Heidelberg. The university is located in
a beautiful city in southwest of Germany, Heidelberg. With a population of only
130,000. the city attracts millions of tourists from worldwide every
year. Unlike other universities in Germany, Heidelberg University is not situated in a fixed area. Instead, it is dotted among the ancient old downtown areas. Tourists often find one of its {{I}}faculties{{/I}} (系, 科) here, and another one there, just beside the bustling commercial area. The university has about 24,000 students, among the A. A fixed place in modem downtown areas. B. An unfixed place in ancient rural areas. C. A fixed place in ancient rural areas. D. An unfixed place in ancient downtown areas. [单选题]配电设备检修,若无法保证安全距离或因工作特殊需要,可用与带电部分直接接触的()隔板代替临时遮栏。
A.绝缘 B.木质 C.塑料 D.泡沫 E.略 F.略 [单选题]我国历届宪法主题日共有( )个
A. 3 个 B. 4 个 C. 5 个 D. 6 个 [简答题]灭火的基本办法
[单选题]高压手车开关拉出后,( )应可靠封闭
A.绝缘挡板 B.柜门 C.箱盖 D.隔离挡板 [单项选择]《灵枢·水胀》认为,寒气客于子门,则病
A. 水胀 B. 肤胀 C. 臌胀 D. 石瘕 E. 肠蕈 [单选题]100. HMIS()主要完成车辆在检修段修车.段做厂修车的过程中对各车辆基本履历
A.安全子系统 B.运用子系统 C.配属子系统 D.段修子系统 [单项选择]下列哪一项不属于黄山谷的三绝()?
A. 书 B. 画 C. 诗 D. 词 [单选题]射孔后起管柱发生井喷应按( )关井程序关井。 (五类) (七类)
A.空井 B.旋转 C.起下管柱 D.起下组合管柱 [判断题]税务机关仃使代位权的,可以免除欠缴税款的纳税人尚未履行的纳税义务和应承担的法律责任。( )
[填空题]根据所含合金元素不同,铜及铜合金可分为:紫铜、黄铜、青铜和( )等。
[单项选择]新产品设计是( )的细化和深化。
A. 新产品构思 B. 新产品创意 C. 新产品开发决策 D. 新产品整体设想 [单项选择]中枢神经系统白血病(CNS—L)最常见于下列哪种白血病
A. 急性粒细胞白血病 B. 急性淋巴细胞白血病 C. 急性单核细胞白血病 D. 急性巨核细胞白血病 E. 红白血病 [填空题]移动基站控制器—BSC是基站系统—BSS的控制部分,在BSS中起()作用。
[多选题]编制 380/220V 配电网工程典型设计的目的是:( )。
A.统一建设标准,统一设备规范 B.方便运行维护,方便设备招标 C.提高工作效率,降低建设和运行成本 D.发挥规模优势,提高整体效益 我来回答: 提交