{{B}}Text{{/B}} The modern urban planning and redevelopment movement{{U}} (26) {{/U}}in response to the{{U}} (27) {{/U}}and dirtiness of the slum areas{{U}} (28) {{/U}}by the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. Reformation of these areas was the{{U}} (29) {{/U}}of early city planners, who imposed regulatory laws establishing{{U}} (30) {{/U}}for housing, sanitation (卫生), water supply, sewage and public{{U}} (31) {{/U}}conditions. Urban planners also introduced parks and playgrounds into crowded city neighbourhoods,{{U}} (32) {{/U}}places for recreation, as well as{{U}} (33) {{/U}}relief. The chief new urban-planning concept of the early 20th century was zoning--the regulation of building activity to set{{U}} (34) {{/U}}of height and{{U}} (35) {{ A. whole B. all C. present D. entire [单选题]金属材料的剖面线是与水平线成( )的、互相( )、间隔均匀的( )。
A. 45°、平行、细实线 B. 35°、平行、细实线 C. 45°、平行、细点画线 D. 45°、平行、粗点画线 [填空题]Product Brief Introduction
Air conditioner: The devices to ensure healthy air: (56) and Ionizer. [简答题]民族传统体育的萌芽与原始宗教有关吗?
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]正则图是()。
[多选题]台区线损精益化管理评价支撑保障主要从台区线损管理( )等方面,对台区线损管理的支撑保障能力进行评价。
A.A.计量采集 B.资金支持 C.人员保障 D.系统支撑 [简答题](73)如何取用和保存钾、钠、白磷?
A. 超声-MRI-CT B. MRI-CT-超声 C. 超声-PEA-MRI D. 超声-CT-MRI E. 超声-DSA-CT [单项选择]What is the man planning to do
A. Study at a different school. B. Move to a warmer state. C. Get a travel agent’s licens [多选题]两桥相邻()之间的路基过渡()不应小于()。
A.台尾边线 B.长度 C.150m D.350m [单选题]依据《安全生产法》的规定,生产经营单位的建设项目的安全设施必须做到“三同时”,即生产经营单位新建、改建、扩建工程项目的安全设施,必须与主体工程( )。
A.同时勘察、同时设计、同时施工 B.同时审批、同时设计、同时施工 C.同时设计、同时施工、同时投入生产和使用 D.同时施工、同时修复、同时投入生产和使用 [简答题]降水进入沥青面层后,可能会产生哪些水破坏现象减少沥青路面的早期水破坏的措施有哪些
[单选题]一些地方“圈地”搞开发,从局部看,减少一小片耕地, 似乎并不影响国家粮食安全;但从全局看,如果每个地方都如此蚕食耕地,中国13 亿人的吃饭问题就成了天大的问题。上述事实给我们的哲学启示是必须( )
A.正确把握因果联系,提高实践活动的自觉性和预见性 B.承认矛盾的客观性 C.搞好局部,使整体功能得到最大的发挥 D.提问题要善于分清主流和支流 [单选题]为消除()影响,通常再相邻两梁端之间、或梁端与桥台之间或桥梁的交接位置上预留伸缩缝。
A.变形 B.开裂 C.断裂 D.沉降 [单项选择]发生大的事故时应作好相应的警示和()措施并作好相应的措施防止事态的发展。
A. 隔离 B. 靠近 C. 断电 D. 送电 [判断题]允许速度为120km/h(不含)~160km/h的线路应铺设跨区间或全区间无缝线路,允许速度大于160km/h的线路应铺设跨区间无缝线路。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]张某是我国居民,2008年张某的一篇小说在美国发表,取得稿酬折合人民币40000元,并按该国税法规定缴纳了个人所得税4500元,同年从美国取得股息收入折合人民币2000元,按美国税法规定缴纳了个人所得税200元;当年,张某将另一作品的手稿原件在英国公开拍卖,取得拍卖收入50000元,在英国缴纳个人所得税7200元。2008年张某应在我国补交个人所得税( )元。
A. 0 B. 180 C. 800 D. 980 [判断题]81. 燃气警示带应连续敷设;警示带敷设前应对敷设面压实,并平整地敷设在管道的正上方,距管顶的距离宜为0.5m或埋深较浅的地方宜距地面0.2m。警示带可以敷设在路面结构层内。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]商业银行开展理财业务与其他业务不得相分离,理财产品与其代销的金融产品不得相分离,理财产品之间不得相分离,理财业务操作与其他业务操作不得相分离。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据接受产品的顺序情况分类,顾客的类型一般包括()。
A. 目标顾客 B. 潜在顾客 C. 外部顾客 D. 竞争者顾客 E. 过去顾客 [多选题]国家电网公司总部在规章制度管理工作中应履行职责包括()。
A.A:公司规章制度建设的统筹安排与组织实施。 B. C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]国务院有关部门依照法律和国务院规定的职责,负责()管理的有关工作。
A.铁路规章 B.劳动人身安全 C.制度管理 D.铁路安全 [单选题]能见度不良水域中锚泊的船,为警告驶近船舶,还可鸣放的声号是_________ 。
A.一长、一短、一长声 B.一短、一长、一短声 C.二长声、二短声 D.三短声 [单项选择]男性,73岁,腹泻2天,未进食,入院诉头晕、乏力,恶心呕吐,血清钠132mmol/L血清钾3.51mmol/L,考虑患者为哪种电解质失调
A. 高渗性脱水 B. 低渗性脱水 C. 等渗性脱水 D. 低钾血症 E. 高钾血症 [单选题]私は電気屋でデジカメを直して___ました。
A.あげ B.やり C.くれ D.もらい [填空题] Brokers neither physically handle products being distributed nor work on a continuing 【B1】 with their principals. 【B2】 , a broker is an independent wholesaling middleman that brings buyers and sellers together and provides market information to 【B3】 party. Most brokers work for sellers 【B4】 a small percentage represent buyers.
Brokers have no authority to set prices. They simply 【B5】 a sale and leave it up to the seller to accept or 【B6】 the buyer’’s offer. They also furnish considerable market information 【B7】 prices, products, and general market conditions.
Because of the limited services provided, brokers receive relatively small commissions — 5 percent or less. 【B8】 . brokers need to operate on a low-cost basis.
Food brokers 【B9】 buyers and sellers of food and 【B10】 general-merchandise items to one another and bring them together to complete a sale. They are well 【B11】 about market conditions, terms of sale, sources of credit, prices setting, potential 【B12】 , an
A. A.take title to B.take title of C.take title for D.give the title to [单项选择]下列哪项不是急性乳腺炎的早期临床表现
A. 局部胀痛 B. 形成肿块 C. 可有压痛 D. 体温升高 E. 波动性肿块 [多选题]统一战线作为新民主主义革命胜利的基本经验之一,其主要内容是什么?
[判断题]坚持中国特色社会主义制度,必须旗帜鲜明地反对西方国家的多党制、议会制、三权分立、司法独立等政治制度。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Why are so many people unhappy in their jobs There are two primary reasons. First, some people are convinced that earning a living is wasting time that they could spend enjoying themselves or uncovering their true talents.
If this is the case with you, recall your last long vacation. Was it two weeks of complete enjoyment More likely it was a week and a half of fun in the sun, with another half a week of "Boy, I can’t wait to get back to work. "If you didn’t feel such vacation blues, then imagine taking a leave of absence. You could use it to work on a novel, enroll in classes or just sit around watching TV. At the end of three months, in all likelihood, your self-esteem would be at an all-time low. While all work and no play is not good, all play and no work is disastrous. We need to feel we are accomplishing something. We also need some form of order in our lives. The second and perhaps more prevalent reason for people not to like their work is that they feel trapped A. it is up to you to choose between two alternatives B. you are to do wonders in your work C. it seems to be the only positive attitude D. you have made a decision on your own 我来回答: 提交