When you meet Tim Winton, it’s easy to
understand his success at writing for teenagers. He likes surfing and fishing
and camping and hanging out in the vast tract of sand dunes that borders the
one-pub fishing town where he lives in Western Australia. He even
looks like the big kid who sat behind you in high school and has the kind of
laid-back manner and earthy conversation that you know appeals to those too
young to be treated as kids but not grown-up enough to be admitted to the adult
world. Winton’s first foray into teenage fiction, Lockie Leonard, Human Torpedo, is about to go into its second printing. Even more gratifying for the writer has been the response the book has prompted. He’s had scores of appreciative letters "from kids, parents, teachers", and has read passages from the book to students in country high schools. Writing for young A. youthful and caring B. unprofessional and jaded C. educated and widely read D. unbiased and spontaneous [判断题]为了保证路基路面结构的稳定性,一般要求路基处于中湿或干燥状态。
[单项选择]从工程造价上看,一般四、五层民用建筑的基础工程的造价约占总造价的( )。
A. 10%~20% B. 20%~30% C. 30%~40% D. 40%~50% [单项选择]正常细胞外Na+浓度是细胞内Na+浓度的()
A. 6倍 B. 12倍 C. 15倍 D. 18倍 E. 20倍 [判断题]经国家商检部门许可的检验机构,可以接受对外贸易关系人或者外国检验机构的委托,办理进出口商品检验鉴定业务。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]刘某系某乡女村民,已生育两个女儿,现在又怀上了第三胎。乡、村两级干部决定把她作典型处理。于是,乡、村干部在某日一大早来到刘某的家,直接破门而人,将还在睡梦中尚未穿戴整齐的刘某强行带到村委会,由乡、村两级干部整整教育了一天。同时决定,取消刘某正在上中学大女儿的“三好学生”称号,勒令刘某刚上小学一年级的小女儿退学,并搬走刘某家中的电视机和大衣柜作为抵押,让刘某尽快做人工流产。
A. 黄瓜 B. 番茄 C. 大白菜 D. 韭菜 [多项选择]下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 利息备付率=息税前利润÷当期应付利息 B. 利息备付率与“已获利息倍数”含义相同 C. 息税前利润=利润总额+当期应付利息 D. 对于正常经营的企业,利息备付率应大于等于1 E. 利息备付率高表明偿债风险小,利息备付率低于1,表示无足够资金支付利息 [多选题] 调度自动化系统危机缺陷包括(____)。
A. AGC功能异常 B. 调度管理类应用功能异常 C. AVC功能异常 D. 前置功能异常 我来回答: 提交