The biggest safety threat facing
airlines today may not be a terrorist with a gun, but the man with the portable
computer in business class. In the last 15 years, pilots have reported well over
100 incidents that could have been caused by electromagnetic interference. The
source of this interference remains unconfirmed, but increasingly, experts are
pointing the blame at portable electronic devices such as portable computers,
radio and cassette players and mobile telephones. RTCA, an organization which advises the aviation industry, has recommended that all airlines ban such devices from being used during "critical" stages of flight, particularly take-off and landing. Some experts have gone further, calling for a total ban during all flights. Currently, rules on using these devices are left up to individual airlines. And alth A. Because it is extremely dangerous to conduct such research on an airplane. B. Because experts lack adequate equipment to do such research. C. Because research scientists have not been able to produce the same effects in labs. D. Because it remains a mystery what wavelengths are liable to be interfered with. [单选题]养成爱护企业设备的习惯()。
A.在企业经营困难时是很有必要的 B.对提高生产效率是有害的 C.对于效益好的企业是没有必要的 D.是体现职业道德和素质的一个重要方面 [单项选择]以下所列的各函数首部中,正确的是 ( )
A. void play (var:Integer,var b:Integer) B. void play(int a,b) C. void play(int a,int b) D. Sub play(a as integer,b as integer) [单选题]《铁路旅客列车消防安全管理规定》第五十四条规定,旅客列车在区间发生火灾,当上级领导和公安消防队未到达时,火灾事故应急处置由( )组织指挥。
A.餐车长 B.乘警长 C.车辆乘务长 D.列车长 [单选题]水源距离消防车8米以外且无法靠近,或超过消防车吸水深度,水温超过( )度影响水泵真空度时,可使用排吸器供水。
A.40 B.50 C.60 D.70 [多选题]中途新加入的工作班成员,应由( )对其进行安全交底并履行确认手续。
A. 工作票签发人 B. 工作许可人 C. 工作负责人 D. 专责监护人 [判断题]M24螺栓的标准扭矩为25000N·cm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在35kV的设备上进行工作,工作人员正常的工作活动范围与带电设备的安全距离至少为( )。
A.0.90m B.1.10m C.1.30m D.1.50m [多选题]铁路货车统计时,下列统计为空车的有( )。
A.填制货票的游车。 B.装车作业未完的货车 C.倒装作业未装完的货车 D.以“特殊货车及运送用具回送清单”手续装载整车回送铁路货车用具的货车 [单选题]电流互感器的回路编号,一般以十位数字为一组,( )的回路标号可以用411-419。
A.1T B.4T C.11T [判断题]舒适性。它是服务过程的不舒适程度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]装货港栏目( )
A.法兰克福 B.鹿特丹 C.杜塞尔多夫 D.宁波 [判断题]换档控制装置的作用是:根据变速杆的位置(如P、R、D等)使自动变速器处于不同的档位状态;在变速杆处于前进档时,根据车辆行使状况控制自动升档和降档。
[单选题]酸性气压缩机由于停电跳闸,造成分馏塔的压控B阀全开,但分馏塔压力还是较高,分析原因是( )。
A. 分馏塔进料量太大 B. 分馏塔液位太高 C. 回流罐液位太高 D. 火炬系统压力偏高 [单选题]测量接地电阻时,电压极应移动不少于三次,当三次测得电阻值的互差小于()时,即可取其算术平均值,作为被测接地体的接地电阻值。
A.1%; B.5%; C.10%; D.15%。 [单选题]入()之前,对消防器具应进行全面检查,对消防设施及施工用水外露管道,应做好保温防冻措施。
A.春 B.夏 C.秋 D.冬 [单选题]某孕妇,33岁,孕29周,产前检查发现血压156/100mmHg,尿蛋白(+),小腿有水肿,此孕妇属于
A.轻度子痫前期 B.重度子痫前期 C.妊娠水肿 D.先兆子痫 E.子痫 [单选题]VD的摄取应该()。
A.多多益善 B.较少 C.可多可少 D.适中 [单项选择]华夏银行对外出具的《贷款意向书》一式二联,第一联交申请人,第二联交()留存
A. 分行公司部 B. 分行会计部 C. 地区部授信审批中心 D. 地区部放款中心 [多选题]全面预算管理的指导思想是“(),(),()”。
A.全面预算、过程控制 B.职责明确、分级管理 C.加强监督、注重实效 [单项选择]下列资产中属于不可辨认无形资产的是( )。
A. 非专利技术 B. 商誉 C. 商标权 D. 股票 [单选题]灸法适用于下列哪种病证?:
A.A外感证 B.B虚寒证 C.C热证 D.D阴虚火旺 E.E实证 [简答题]为什么在测定燃油水分时加入溶剂?
A.H B.O C.B D.D [单项选择]血府指的是()
A. 脉 B. 心 C. 肝 D. 脾 E. 冲脉 [多选题]缘杆作业法更换直线绝缘子,羊角抱杆应满足(____)。
A.支撑导线的机械强度 B.相对地的绝缘强度 C.相间的绝缘强度 D.能够承受导线张力 [单项选择]哪种结膜炎不常出现耳前淋巴结肿大和压痛()
A. 春季结膜炎 B. 流行性角结膜炎 C. 流行性结膜炎 D. 衣原体性结膜炎 E. 淋球菌性结膜炎 [单项选择]Anyone who doubts that children are born with a healthy amount of ambition need spend only a few minutes with a baby eagerly learning to walk or a headstrong toddler starting to talk. No matter how many times the little ones stumble in their initial efforts, most keep on trying, determined to master their amazing new skills. It is only several years later, around the start of middle or junior high school, many psychologists and teachers agree, that a good number of kids seem to lose their natural drive to succeed and end up joining the ranks of underachievers. For the parents of such kids, whose own ambition is often inextricably tie to their children’s success, it can be a bewildering, painful experience. So it’s no wonder some parents find themselves hoping that, just maybe, ambition can be taught like any other subject at school.
It’s not quite that simple. "Kids can be given the opportunities to become passionate about a subject or activity, but they can’t be forced," says J A. children are born to be moderately ambitious B. when they are at school, children are easy to lose ambition C. ambition is not connected with success D. ambition can be taught like other subjects at school [判断题]芝加哥商品交易所、芝加哥期货交易所、伦敦皇家交易所和伦敦金属交易所都属于现代期货发展中较早成立的期货交易所。( )
A.六类23项 B.五类23项 C.六类26项 D.五类26项 [判断题]推力头与主轴采用平键连接。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列绿色施工技术中,属于节材与材料资源利用方面的是( )。
A.临时设施宜采用隔热材料 B.使用预拌混凝土和商品砂浆 C.加大管道工厂化预制深度 D.减少土方开挖和回填 [多选题] 商业银行可接受的质押财产包括()
A. 出质人所有的、依法有权处分的机器; B.汇票; C. 不可转让的基金份额、股权; D.不可转让的专利权 我来回答: 提交