Let us assume, for the moment, that
labor m not prepared to work for a lower money-wage and that a reduction in the
existing level of money-wages would lead, through strikes or otherwise, to a
withdrawal from the labor market of labor which is now employed. Does it follow
from this that the existing level of real wages accurately measures the marginal
disutility of labor Not necessarily. For, although a reduction in the existing
money-wage would lead to a withdrawal of labor, it does not follow that a fall
in the value of the existing money-wage in terms of wage-goods would do so, if
it were due to a rise in the price of the latter. In other words, it may be the
case that within a certain range the demand of labor is for a minimum money-wage
and not for a minimum real wage. The classical school has tacitly assumed that
this would A. a fall in the value of real wages would lead to a withdrawal of the labor from market of labor B. a reduction in the existing level of money-wages would lead to a withdrawal from the labor market of labor C. the supply of labor is not a function of real wages D. the demand of labor is only for a minimum money-wages [多选题]要不断增强党的( ),确保我们党永葆旺盛生命力和强大战斗力。
A.政治领导力 B.思想引领力 C.群众组织力 D.社会号召力 [判断题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,绝缘绳应成卷用塑料袋密封,并置于专用包装内。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对称度公差带的形状为( )。
A. 两平行平面 B. 两同心圆 C. 两同轴圆柱体 [单选题]对产生尘毒较大的工艺、作业和施工过程,应采取有效的密闭、( )、吸收、净化等综合措施和检测装置,防止尘、毒的泄漏、扩散和溢出。
A.高压 B.正压 C.负压 D.零压 [判断题]分布式电源相关工作,若电源停电并采取安全技术措施,工作人员可以操作客户电气设备
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]对被判处()的罪犯,由公安机关执行刑罚。
A. 管制 B. 拘役 C. 有期徒刑 D. 剥夺政治权利 [单选题] 根据《行政处罚法》的规定,以下哪一情况执法部门直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员将不会受到行政处分?( )
A.执法机关将5000元罚款充当劳务费发给辅助执法人员 B.执法机关将扣押的汽车充当执法车辆使用 C.某执法人员当场收缴罚款,出具本执法机关制发的罚款收据 D.因突发地震,某执法机关扣押的当事人财物受到损毁 [单项选择]新的收费软件新增功能键“()”,进行地图查询功能。
A. 系统功能键 B. F4键 C. 特情处理键H D. ALT+L键 [填空题]入射光线与界面法线构成的角称为()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]火灾自动报警系统投入运行,必须制定严格的系统管理制度,包括系统操作规程;系统操作人员消防工作职责等()项制度
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [单项选择]可以产生30~50(含30和50)之间的随机整数的表达式是()。
A. Int(Rnd*21+30) B. Int(Rnd*20+30) C. Int(Rnd*50-Rnd*30) D. Int(Rnd*30+50) [多选题]根据《配电网检修规程》规定,D类检修指维护性检修和巡检,在不停电状态下对设备进行的()。
A.A.带电测试 B.B.外观检查 C.C.维护 D.D.保养 E.E.试验 [单选题]平衡固定电杆的拉桩应向张力反向侧倾斜()。
A.20° B.25° C.30° D.35° [单选题]施工单位应当指定专人对专项方案实施情况( )。P18
A.进行现场监督和按规定进行监测 B.进行现场监督 C.定期巡查 D.按规定进行监测 [单选题]停电、不停电作业,工作票负责人和工作票签发人资格应经培训合格,并经线路( )审核备案。
A.A-业主单位 B.B-施工单位 C.C-监理单位 D.D-运维单位 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单选题]患者,男,30岁,心慌、气短10天来诊。超声心电图检查后诊断为心包积液。体检时,最不可能出现的体征是
A.颈静脉怒张 B.肝大 C.奇脉 D.动脉血压升高 E.脉压减小 [单项选择]《公共场所卫生管理条例》是国务院于哪一年发布的
A. 1985年 B. 1987年 C. 1991年 D. 1996年 E. 2001年 [单项选择]肝中进行生物转化时活性葡萄糖醛酸基的供体是
A. GA B. UDPG C. ADPGA D. UDPGA E. CDPGA [单项选择]根瘤细菌与豆科植物根的关系是()。
A. 共生 B. 寄生 C. 腐生 D. 竞争 [判断题] 存放危险化学品的库房应阴凉通风、防止日光曝晒,远离火源热源,库温超过 35℃时应采取降温通风措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]中国公用计算机互联网的简称是CHINAGBNET
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]农商银行在查询客户征信信息时须获得客户( ),按照要求填写《个人信用报告查询投权书》。
A.口头同意 B.电话授权 C.口头授权 D.书面授权 [单选题] 阿托品对眼睛的作用是( )
A.瞳孔扩大,眼压降低,调节痉挛 B.瞳孔缩小,眼压降低,调节痉挛 C.瞳孔扩大,眼压升高,调节麻痹 D.瞳孔缩小,眼压升高,调节麻痹 E.瞳孔缩小,眼压升高,调节痉挛 [单项选择]患者,女性,双侧内眦部位皮疹3年,且逐渐增多。皮疹对称性分布,呈扁平柔软表面黄色小丘疹。组织病理提示真皮内多数胞质充满脂质微粒的单核或多核泡沫细胞及巨细胞。有关此病的治疗应除外()。
A. 激光 B. 冷冻 C. 手术 D. 电凝 E. 口服维A酸 [单项选择]Although Henry Ford’s name is closely associated with the concept of mass production, he should receive equal credit for introducing labor practices as early as 1913 that would be considered (62) even by today’s standards.Safety (63) were improved, and the work day was (64) to eight hours, compared with the ten-or- twelve-hour day common at the time.In order to accommodate the shorter work day, the (65) factory was converted from tWO to three (66) . (67) , sick leaves as well as improved medical care for those injured (68) the job were instituted.The Ford Motor Company was one of the first factories to develop a (69) school tO train specialized skilled laborers and an English language school for immigrants.Some (70) were even made tO hire the handicapped and provide jobs for former convicts.
The most widely acclaimed (71) was the five-dollar-a-day minimum wage that was (72) in ord A. discourage B. hold C. prohibit D. stimulate [单选题]热力膨胀阀是常用的“ ”。
A.转换装置 B.控制装置 C.节流装置 D.调节装置 [单选题]混合气过浓是由( )等原因引起的。
A.浮子室油而过低 B.浮子室油面过高 C.油管堵阻 [简答题]问题同上
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]按照《安全生产违法行为行政处罚办法》规定,一年内因同一违法行为受到两次以上行政处罚的,应当从重处罚:应当从重处罚。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交