A long, imaginary prose (散文) story
about people is usually called a novel. It can be about any kind of man, woman, or child. It can be a- bout kins (空族) , or Chicago newsboys, or convicts (罪犯) , or housewives. The Frenchman, Victor Hugo, wrote his novel Les Miserables about a poor man who stole a loaf of bread to keep from starving (饿死).The American, Ernest Hemingway, wrote A Farewell to Arms about a young American with the Italian Army in World War I A novel can tell the story of any kind of action, over any period of time. The modern Irish (爱尔兰的) writer, James Joyce, covers less than twenty-four hours in Ulysses. Yet Joyce takes a thousand pages to tell all that happens from the time one man gets up in the morning until he goes to bed early the next morning. A German writer, Herman Hesse, uses only one hundred and fift A. not fixed B. a lifetime C. twenty-four hours D. three years [单项选择]China does {{U}}a lot of{{/U}} trade with many countries.
A. a great deal of B. a great many of C. a large number of D. a great level of [单项选择]下列哪项不用于检查消化性溃疡()
A. 幽门螺杆菌检查 B. 胃液分析 C. 大便隐血试验 D. 胃镜及活组织检查 E. 胸片检查 [单项选择]According to this passage, Paradise Lost is written for the purpose of ______.
[单选题]敬畏,首先就要“知天命”,其次是( )。
A.畏天道 B.控欲望 C.探未知 D.管思想 [简答题]In relation to company law, explain the following terms:
(a) A share; (3 marks)
[单选题]细胞分裂素是( )的衍生物。
A.鸟嘌呤 B.腺嘌呤 C.胞嘧啶 D.肌腺醇 [单项选择]正常状态下车辆电瓶指示灯在车辆启动后会()。
A. 亮起 B. 熄灭 C. 无反应 D. 闪烁 [多项选择]评审专家有()情形的,列入不良行为记录。
A. 泄露评审文件、评审情况 B. 未按照采购文件规定的评审程序、评审方法和评审标准进行独立评审 C. 拒不履行配合答复供应商询问、质疑、投诉等法定义务 D. 以评审专家身份从事有损政府采购公信力的活动 E. 与供应商存在利害关系未回避 [单选题]《 特种设备作业人员证 》 每( )复审一次。
A.1 年 B.2 年 C.3 年 D.4 年 [判断题]TELNET,SMTP,FTP协议工作在TCP协议基础上。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]关于A公司的监事会,以下说法正确的是( )。
A. A公司的监事会主要由国务院或者国务院授权投资的机构、部门委派人员组成,职工代表不能参与 B. A公司的监事会不能少于5人 C. A公司的监事应该列席董事会会议 D. A公司的董事、经理及财务负责人不得兼任监事 [单选题]起吊重物前,应由( )检查悬吊情况及所吊物件的捆绑情况,确认可靠后方可试行起吊。
A.起重指挥人员 B.起重操作人员 C.起重工作负责人 D.起重监护人员 [简答题]放射性物品包装容器具有哪些性能?
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