Potential AIDS victims who refuse to be
tested for the disease and then defend their right to remain ignorant about
whether they carry the virus are entitled to that fight. But ignorance cannot be
used to rationalize irresponsibility. Nowhere in their argument is their concern
about how such ignorance might endanger public health by exposing others to the
virus. All disease is an outrage, and disease that affects the young and healthy seems particularly outrageous. When a disease selectively attacks the socially disadvantaged, such as homosexuals and drug abusers, it seems an injustice beyond rationalization. Such is the case with acquired immune deficiency syn A. 100 percent certainty correlated with the presence of the virus in cultures B. ambiguous because even they themselves are not certain C. inaccurate because there are consistently confusing results D. not correlated with the presence of the virus [单项选择]在Applet的生命周期中,下列哪个方法使Applet成为激活状态 ( )
A. destroy() B. start() C. init() D. stop() [单项选择]肾移植后出现排斥反应,尿中出现大量()。
A. 中性粒细胞 B. 嗜酸性粒细胞 C. 移行上皮细胞 D. 红细胞 E. 淋巴细胞 [单选题]( )理论将事故致因过程简化成为失效发生的过程,包括个体失效、现场管理失效、项目管理失效和政策失效。
A.事故频发倾向 B.韦廷顿的失效 C.管理失误 D.社会环境 [单项选择]在任何情况下工程项目的建设周期都是有限的,这是工程项目的( )特征。
A. 唯一性 B. 一次性 C. 整体性 D. 不可逆转性 [判断题]一般一个工作地点或一个检修区段填发一张工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]运送爆炸材料坐罐时,携带爆炸材料的人员不得()。
A. 5人以上 B. 超过4人 C. 与其他人员同坐 [多选题]根据行政诉讼法规定,中止诉讼情形有( )
A.原告死亡,须等待其近亲属表明是否参加诉讼的 B.原告丧失诉讼行为能力,尚未确定法定代理人的 C.作为一方当事人的行政机关、法人或者其他组织终止,尚未确定权利义务承受人的 D.一方当事人因不可抗力的事由不能参加诉讼的 [单选题]被称为先秦散文“叙事之最”,且标志着我国叙事散文走向成熟的是【 】。
A.《尚书》 B.《左传》 C.《战国策》 D.《国语》 我来回答: 提交