Currently, the American armed forces
are the largest professional military on the planet. Other (1)
have professional soldiers, (2) not as many as
the United States. For thousands of years, it was (3) that
professional soldiers were superior to (4) timers. But
(5) most of history, few nations could (6) an
army of professionals, at least not on a permanent basis. It washt (7)
the late 20th century that countries began to (8)
large, permanent, all-volunteer armed forces that were carefully
(9) and trained for combat. Britain was the first, when it
phased out conscription in 1962. In 1975, the United States followed
(10) . For over a century, c A. advantage B. harmony C. hazard D. savage [判断题]采用Email主页,可只显示主页的文本内容,而关闭对其图形的访问。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]“把每天都当成末日来相爱”是信乐团的哪首KTV常被用来声嘶力竭唱的歌曲?
此时首先应选用的检查是( )。
A.大便培养 B.腹部X线平片 C.血常规 D.腹部B超 E.直肠指诊 [多选题] 罗茨风机卡死的原因有( )。
A. 转子相互摩擦或与机壳摩擦 B. 风机内进入异物 C. 风机积尘淤塞 D.进气口堵塞 E. 皮带打滑 [单选题]传输网络汇聚层以上不建议采用哪种形式进行组网( ) 。
A、网状 B、环形 C、口字型 D、星形
A.A、网状 B.B、环形 C.C、口字型 D.D、星形 [单选题]分合闸操作时,发生分合闸隔离开关三相已经到位,但辅助接点没有翻转到位的情况,对于连杆转动型的隔离开关辅助接点,可采用( )使之辅助接点翻转到位的方法
A.A. 将隔离开关拉开后再进行几次分合闸 B.B. 晃动隔离开关操作机构 C.C. 推合连杆 D.D. 停电处理 [单选题]督察人员对违反规定使用武器、警械的民警,可以( )。
A.没收其武器、警械 B.将其带离现场 C.扣留其武器、警械 D.实行禁闭 我来回答: 提交