Paper or Plastic
Take a walk along the Chesapeake Bay, and you are likely to see plastic bags floating in the water. They have made their (51) into local waterways and, from there, into the bay, where they can (52) wildlife. Piles of them show up in landfills (垃圾填埋地) and on city streets. Plastic bags also take an environmental toll (代价) in the (53) of millions of barrels of oil expended every year to produce them.
Enter Annapolis and you will, see plastic bags (54) free in department stores and supermarkets. Alderman (市议员) Sam Shropshire has introduced a well-meaning (55) to ban retailers from distributing plastic shopping bags in Maryland’s capital. instead, retailers would be required to (56) bags made of recycled paper and to sell reusable bags. The city of Baltimore is (57) a similar measure. Opponents of the (58) , however, argue that paper bags are harmful, too: They cost more to make, they
A. impressive
B. effective.
C. formal
D. typical
Curiosity is not only a possible
motivation,it is also a great help in your learning languages. Remember that a
language is not (11) a grammatical system. It is the
(12) of a certain culture of different cultures. It is no
good (13) strings of words and lists of grammatical rules
(14) you know as much as possible about the background of the
language,so that you can understand the ideas conveyed and the references
made,as well as the inferences which can (15) the information
clearly given. so learn as much as you can about the different cultures which
(16) English-watch television programs,listen to the radio,try
to obtain (17) and magazines written by native speakers,look
at advertisements,and,above all,read-not textbooks, (18)
novels,poems and plays. Th A. have learnt B. learn C. learning D. learnt [判断题]钢轨的涂覆方式主要有。车载自动喷涂、轨旁自动喷涂、人工定期涂敷等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列不属于政府预算执行检查分析的形式的是()。
A. 定期检查分析 B. 专项检查分析 C. 典型调查分析 D. 因素分析法 [多项选择]在地籍图上的宗地的坐落由______组成。
A. 道路名 B. 地名 C. 行政区名 D. 门牌号 E. 街坊号 [单选题]直线桥梁自线路中心至作业通道栏杆内侧的净距:200 km/h以上铁路无砟轨道桥面应不小于( ) m。
A.3.35 B.3.4 C.3.45 D.3.5 [单选题]油井()过高会造成井与计量间管线冻结。
A.掺水压力 B.套压 C.回压 D.产气量 [单选题] 下钻时,内钳工要目送钻具下放,并观察( )情况。
A.A、钻井液循环 B. B、钻井液返出 C. C、下放速度 D.D、绞车运转 [单选题]停车手信号的显示方式正确的是()。
A.昼间:展开的红色信号旗 B.昼间:展开的绿色信号旗 C.夜间:绿色灯光 D.夜间:白色灯光 [多选题]语言方面,列车自动广播一般为(),人工广播一般为()。
A.自动广播 B.双语广播 C.人工广播 D.普通话广播 [单项选择]药物致胎儿畸形的敏感期发生于妊娠几期
A. 妊娠第一周 B. 妊娠3~12周 C. 妊娠13~18周 D. 妊娠全过程 E. 分娩前一周 [填空题]
[多选题] "手机银行外汇业务包括哪些功能( )
A.外币汇入汇款路径 B.实现外币汇率查询 C.可实现个人结售汇 D.以上都对" [多选题]消防空气呼吸器使用后,必须按以下( )要求使其尽快恢复使用前的技术状态。
A.清洁污垢,检查有无损坏情况。 B.对空气瓶充气 C.用中性消毒液(不得使用含石碳酸的消毒液)洗涤面罩、呼气阀及供气调节器的弹性膜片。最后在清水中漂洗,使其自燃干燥,不得烘烤曝晒 D.按使用前的准备工作要求,对消防空气呼吸器进行气密性试验 [简答题]简述YJl7卷烟机布带轮直径制成可调式的作用。
[多选题]快开门式压力容器运行中工艺参数的控制主要是指对( )等的控制。
A.压力 B.温度 C.液位 D.介质腐蚀性 E.交变载荷 [判断题]调动装有“140产品”车辆时,调车机车应与该车隔离3辆。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列项目中不属于营业外收入的是( )。
A.劳务收入 B.无法支付的应付款项 C.罚款收入 D.处理报废固定资产净收益 [单项选择]可以明确地发现项目所面临的风险,但无法显示问题的损失值或损失发生的概率的风险识别方法是( )。
A. 访谈法 B. 财务报表法 C. 风险清单法 D. 流程图法 [单项选择]
A. in this case B. in any case C. in no case D. in some cases 我来回答: 提交