A recent development is the local area network (LAN). (21) its name implies, it serves a local area-possibly as small as a single room, typically an area like an university campus or the premises of a particular business. Local area networks were developed to (22) a need specific to microcomputers the sharing of expensive resources. Microcomputers are cheap, but highcapacity disc stores, fast and/or good quality printers, etc. are expensive. The object of the LAN is to allow (23) microcomputers shared access to these expensive resources, since the microcomputers are cheap, it is a necessary feature of a LAN that the method of connection to the network, and the network hardware (24) , must also be cheap.
A local area network links a number of computers and a number of servers which provide communal facilities, e. g. file storage. (A server usually includes a small microprocessor for control purposes. ) The computers and servers are known as stat
A. In this way
B. In a way
C. In the same way
D. By the way
After watching my mother deal with our
family of five, I can’t understand why her answer to the question, "What do you
do" is always, "Oh, I’m just a housewife." JUST a housewife Anyone who spends
most of her time in meal preparation and cleanup, washing and drying clothes,
keeping the house clean, leading a scout troop, playing taxi driver to us kids
when it’s time for school, music lessons or the dentist, doing volunteer work
for her favorite charity, and making sure that all our family needs are met is
not JUST a housewife. She’s the real Wonder Woman. Why is it that so many mothers like mine think of themselves as second-class or something similar Where has this notion come from Have we males made them feel this way Has our society made "going to work" outside the home seem more important than what a housewife must face ea A. They take school bus. B. They take a taxi. C. Their mother drives for them. D. Scout troop sends them to school. [简答题]We are a competitive company looking for creative people willing to work________________(尽其所能) .
A. 增加水汽 B. 降低温度 C. A+B D. D.B.C都对 [判断题]客户有逾期的分期贷款不可以发起提前还款申请。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]对银行存款进行清查的方法是将企业银行存款日记账与银行对账单核对,如果两者不符,其可能的原因有______。
A. 企业账面记录有误 B. 银行账面记录有误 C. 企业已记账,银行未记账 D. 银行已记账,企业未记账 [多项选择]父亲的血型B型、M型,母亲的血型O型N型,子女不可能有的血型是()
A. A型 B. AB型 C. B型 D. O型 E. MN型 [单项选择]根据各排污口的流量和监测浓度,计算并列表统计国家实施总量控制的六项污染物(COD、氨氮、工业粉尘、烟尘、二氧化硫、固体废物)()。
A. 年产生量和年排放量 B. 日产生量和日排放量 C. 月产生量和月排放量 D. 季产生量和季排放量 [填空题]Recruiting(招募)the right candidate to fill a vacancy can be a difficult and costly task. 【31】 the wrong person could be an expensive mistake which could cause personnel problems for the whole department. And, as every HR (Human Resource) manager knows, it is much more difficult to get rid of someone than it is to 【32】 them.
The HR manager’’s first decision is 【33】 to recruit internal applicants or advertise the vacancy outside the company. 【34】 applicants are easy to recruit by memo, e-mail, or newsletter. Furthermore, they are easy to assess and know the company well. 【35】 , they rarely bring fresh ideas to a position. Moreover, a rejected internal candidate might become unhappy and leave the company.
Recruiting outside the company means either advertising the vacancy directly or 【36】 an employment agency. If the company decides to advertise the vacancy directly, it has to decide where to place the 【37】 . Traditionally this has meant newspapers and professional journals but
A. A.Terminal B.External C.Additional D.Internal [单选题]全口牙中最小的牙是
A.上颌侧切牙 B.下颌侧切牙 C.上颌中切牙 D.下颌中切牙 E.下颌尖牙 [单项选择]患者男,57岁。因失眠多梦二周就诊,现夜难入眠,兼头重如裹,胸脘满闷,心烦口苦,头晕目眩,痰多质粘,大便不爽,舌红苔黄腻,脉滑。此时,根据上述辨证特点,应选用的最佳方剂为()
A. 归脾汤加味 B. 黄连阿胶汤加味 C. 半夏秫米汤加味 D. 龙胆泻肝汤加味 E. 黄连温胆汤加味 [单项选择]Her sister {{U}}urged{{/U}} her to apply for the job.
A. advised B. caused C. forced D. promised [单项选择]甲酚皂溶液(来苏)中硬脂酸钠的作用是()
A. 絮凝 B. 增溶 C. 助溶 D. 盐析 [单项选择]The early pioneers had to ______ many hardships to settle on the new land.
A. go along with B. go back on C. go through D. go into [判断题]涉疫勤务专业队伍接到出动命令后,应根据勤务类别,人装遂行出动,并主动做好与勤务对象对接。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]法律作为上层建筑的重要组成部分,它的基本内容和性质总是与所在社会的()相适应的。
A.人口数量 B.生产关系 C.自然地理环境 D.人口结构 E.答案错误,自行解答 [单选题]9. 铸铁管道通常采用( )连接方式。
A..对焊 B..承接 C..螺纹 D..活接头 [简答题]简述硅、锰在炼钢中的用途。
[单项选择]根据库存控制的ABC分析法,C类库存物资是指库存物资品种占全部库存物资品种70%,资金累计占全部库存资金( )的物资。
A. 70%以上 B. 50%以上 C. 20%以上 D. 10%以下 [单项选择]患者,男性,54岁。超声发现膀胱内有一高回声肿块,呈菜花样,有一蒂与膀胱壁相连,最可能的诊断是()
A. 膀胱炎 B. 膀胱肿瘤 C. 膀胱结石 D. 血凝块 E. 以上都不是 [单选题]有卡(折)过渡存取身份信息核查大额标准为( )万元(含)以上。
A.1 B.5 C.20 D.50 [单项选择]在数据分析中,对各观察值同乘以一个不等于。的常数后不变的是
A. 均数 B. 变异系数 C. 几何均数 D. 标准差 E. 中位数 [判断题]砌墙砖试验方法(GB/T2542-2003)标准中规定宽度应在砖的一个大面的中间处测量一个尺寸。当被测处有缺损或凸出时,可在其旁边测量,但应选择不利的一侧。精确至0.5mm。
A. 分布系统类型 B. 分布系统结构 C. 分布系统规模 D. 分布方式 E. 分布类型 [判断题]行政机关依法作出不予行政许可的书面决定的,应当说明理由,并告知申请人享有依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼的权利()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]收费公路经营管理单位对收费现场发生的特殊事件,进行人工登记,事后由登记人所在()负责全量复核,相关单位配合.
A.经营管理单位 B.收费站 C.路段 D.经营机构 [单项选择]面向对象集成测试的目的是______。
A. 测试系统的各个组成部分放在一起是否能够协调一致 B. 检查测试用例生成,测试用例执行,测试结果判断是否正确 C. 选择哪些实体集成 D. 确定每个类及其实例是否能正常工作 [单项选择]职能部门负责人绩效表单,由()构成:
A. 关键绩效量化、关键绩效非量化、核心能力、加减分 B. 关键绩效量化、关键绩效非量化、核心能力 C. 关键绩效量化、关键绩效非量化、加减分 D. 关键绩效量化、核心能力、加减分 [不定项选择题]女性,28岁,已婚,因外阴肿痛1周就诊。妇科检查:外阴左侧红肿,大阴唇下部有约直径3cm的囊性包块,压痛。
该患者最可能的诊断是( )
A.外阴癌 B.外阴淋巴结肿大 C.阴道囊肿 D.前庭大腺脓肿 E.前庭大腺囊肿 我来回答: 提交