Most of us are taught to pay attention
to what is said--the words. Words do provide us with some information, but
meanings are derived from so many other sources that it would hinder our
effectiveness as a partner to a relationship to rely too heavily on words alone.
Words are used to describe only a small part of the many ideas we associate with
any given message. Sometimes we can gain insight into some of those associations
if we listen for more than words. We don’t always say what we mean or mean what
we say. Sometimes our words don’t mean anything except "I’m letting off some
steam. I don’t really want you to pay close attention to what I’m saying. Just
pay attention to what I’m feeling." Mostly we mean several things at once. A
parson wanting to purchase a house says to the current owner, "This step has to
be fixed be A. I’m just calling your attention B. I’m just saying what I don’t really want to say C. I’m just saying the opposite D. I’m just giving off some sound [单选题]螺栓球节点网架总拼完成后,高强度螺栓与球节点应紧固连接,高强度螺栓拧入螺栓球内的螺纹长度不应小于( )d(d 为螺栓直径),连接处不应出现有间隙、松动等未拧紧情况。
A.1.0 B.2.0 C.3.0 D.4.0 [单项选择]塑料中加入增塑剂,可使()提高。
A. 抗冲击性 B. 可塑性 C. 耐热性 [判断题][005]墩台材料为钢材的桥梁叫钢桥。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]十二指肠球后狭窄的最常见原因为()
A. 结核 B. 胰头肿瘤 C. 局限性炎症 D. 球后溃疡 E. 良性肿瘤 [判断题]赣州市人口以汉族为主,全*市有1个民族乡、34个民族村、288个民族村小组。
A.A、泵排量大小不影响岩屑代表性 B.B、井深不影响岩屑代表性 C.C、泵压高低不影响岩屑代表性 D.D、钻头尺寸不影响岩屑代表性 [判断题]( )PCM24路数字系列的速率为2.048Mbit/s。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]上杆迈出第一步即扣好保安带、下到最后一步才准取下保安带。上杆到杆顶后,保安带在杆上放置位置应在距杆梢30cm以下。高处作业必须佩带安全帽。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]RM驾驶模式下,列车可向前或向后以不超过25km/h速度运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]ZDJ9转辙机调整道岔开程:18号尖轨第一牵引点开程为( )。
A.160±5mm B. 147±5mm C.118±5mm [多选题]、气体灭火系统中有爆炸危险的()类火灾的防护区应采用惰化设计浓度。
A.气体 B.固体 C.液体 D.粉尘 [单选题]接地线截面积应满足装设地点短路电流的要求,且高压接地线的截面积不得小于( )mm2。
A.A-16 B.B-25 C.C-36 我来回答: 提交