Text 2 Once free of Etruscan domination, the Romans developed a Republican form of government which lasted until the first century BC, and provided important continuity for Roman institutions. The motto "S. P. Q. R. "--Senatus Populusgue Romanus, "The Roman Senate and People" reflected the philosophy of the early Roman political and social order and remained the watchword of Roman society until Imperial times. It meant that sovereignty rested in the people themselves, and not in any particular governmental form. Yet in many ways the Roman Republic functioned as a democracy. Decisions affecting society were made at a series of assemblies which all citizens attended to express their will. The Senate, on the other hand, conducted the business of government including the passage of legislation and the supervision of elected magistrates. Over the centuries the greatest issues affecting Roman society were played out as dramas created by tensions between peopl
A. Patron
B. Supporter
C. Governmental
D. Aristocrat
Today the game reserves(猎物保护区)of East
Africa are facing a number of threats. (76){{U}}Although they earn considerable
revenue(收入) by attracting tourists, they take up land which is increasingly
sought by the local people. {{/U}}While these reserves feed and protect animals,
they are in danger of turning into barren areas or deserts. Trees, shrubs and
grass are gradually being eaten by grazing herds. Another problem is to be found in the changing attitudes of the animals themselves. Many of them are losing their hereditary(天生)fear of man. In this way they may become a danger to visitors and thus to themselves. Attacks on vehicles are beginning to increase, and it is possible that the problems will become serious in a few years’ time. The problem of shortage of land is not a simple one. (77) {{U}}As the population A. the income obtained from tourists who park their cars in the town B. the revenue derived from tourists who visit the game reserves C. the problem concerning game reserves in East Africa D. the claim put forward concerning the duty of the Government [判断题]进气门早开晚开的目的是使废气排干净及进去更充足。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]生产经营单位不得以任何形式与从业人员订立( ),免除或者减轻其对从业人员因生产安全事故伤亡依法应承担的责任。
A.劳动合同 B.岗位说明书 C.协议 D.岗位责任书 [简答题]如何正确使用验电器?
A. 急性传染性呼吸道硬结病,传染性强 B. 慢性传染性呼吸道硬结病,传染性弱 C. 急性非传染性呼吸道硬结病 D. 慢性非传染性呼吸道硬结病 E. 慢性传染性鼻部硬结病,传染性弱 [单选题]在低压用电设备上()工作前,应验明确无电压,方可工作。
A. A.停电 B.B.验电 C.C.放电 D.D.接地 [多选题]《铁路旅客运输管理规则》228条规定:铁路电务等维修人员乘坐管内旅客列车到各站检查、维修设备,凭铁路局发给的携带器材乘车凭证可携带()。
A.轨道焊接线火柴(铁盒密封)10盒 B.汽油0.5kg C.调和漆5kg D.焊药40包 [多选题]火灾对建筑结构稳定性的影响有( )。
A.热能的影响 B.建筑构件燃烧的影响 C.轰燃的影响 D.爆炸的影响 [简答题]转子发生一点接地可以继续运行吗?
[判断题]处置残损航空器是机场消防部门的职责,不需要协同飞机业主或运营者。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]5号线列车操作刮雨器开关至洗车位时,刮雨器直接打至居中位。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]为赌博网站提供互联网接入、服务器托管、网络存储空间、通讯传输通道、技术支持等服务,收取服务费数额()以上的,按开设赌场罪论处。
A. 2万元 B. 3万元 C. 4万元 D. 5万元 [单选题]系统绩效考核的方法中,()的目的是建立起一种机制,将组织的重大战略目标转化为各个层次的可量化或可行为化的指标和标准,以增强组织核心的竞争力。
A.目标管理法 B.平衡计分卡法 C.关键绩效指标法 D.标杆超越法 [判断题]生产经营单位应当加强生产安全事故应急工作,建立、健全生产安全事故应急工作责任制,其分管专业负责人对本单位的生产安全事故应急工作全面负责。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在高速铁路运行区段,CTC与GSM-R数字移动通信系统结合,实现调度命令、接车进路预告信息、调车作业通知单等向司机的传送。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]异步通信常用于并行通道
[填空题]STE-2真空回潮机的工作程序主要有:进出料子程序、开关门子程序、_______子程序、加湿子程序、和破空子程序。( )
[填空题]Tim keep his money in the bank. He’ s too (fear)()to take risks.
[判断题]2.69 驾驶机动车在长隧道内发生交通事故时,为给救援人员提供准确的位置信息,可使用隧道中紧急电话报警。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]便携式电子气象仪可高精度的自动测量( )等参数。(中)
A.逆风/顺风、当前风速、平均风速; B.气温、水温、雪温、相对湿度、露点; C.热应力指数、光热; D.大气压力、密度高度、压力趋势、湿球温度、海拔; [单项选择]She came into the room while they ______ television.
[A]have watched [B]have been watching [C]were watching [单项选择]
A. 2mm B. 10~12mm C. 7mm D. 5mm E. 15mm [单项选择]Never give out identifying information such as home address, school name, or telephone number in a public message such as chat or newsgroups, and be sure you’re dealing with someone both you and your children know and trust before giving out this information via E-mail. Do not post photographs of your children in newsgroups or on web sites that are available to the public.
Never allow your child to arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone they "meet" on the Internet. If a meeting is arranged, make the first one in a public place, and be sure to accompany your child. Remember that people online may not be who they seem. Because you can’t see or even hear the person it would be easy for someone to misrepresent him or herself. Thus someone indicating that "she" is a "12-year-old girl" could in reality be a 40-year-old man. Remember that everything you read online may not be true. Any offer that’s "too good to be true" probably is. Be careful about any offers that involve A. not be honest on the net B. be careful about the online friends C. make friends with those you trust D. believe nobody on the net [单项选择]女,54岁。大便带脓血13d,有里急后重感。诊断应考虑()
A. 肛裂 B. 直肠息肉 C. 内痔 D. 直肠脱垂 E. 直肠癌 我来回答: 提交