When lab rats sleep, their brains revisit the maze they navigated during the day, according to a new study (1) yesterday, offering some of the strongest evidence (2) that animals do indeed dream. Experiments with sleeping rats found that cells in the animals’ brains fire in a distinctive pat tern (3) the pattern that occurs when they are (4) and trying to learn their way around a maze.
Based on the results, the researchers concluded the rats were dreaming about the maze, (5) re viewing what they had learned while awake to (6) the memories.
Researchers have long known that animals go (7) the same types of sleep phases that people do, including rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, which is when people dream. But (8) the occasional twitching, growling or barking that any dog owner has (9) in his or her sleeping pet, there’s been (10) direct evidence that animals (11) . If animals drea
A. mainly
B. uniquely
C. approximately
D. respectively
Education is primarily the
responsibility of the states. State constitutions set up certain standards and
rules for the establishment of school. State laws require children to go to
school until they reach a certain age. The actual control of the schools,
however, is usually a local matter. The control of the schools does not usually come directly from the local government. In each of the three types of city government, public schools are generally quite separate and independent. They cooperate with local officials but are not dominated by the municipal government. Most Americans believe that schools should be free of political pressures. They believe that the separate control of the school systems preserves such freedom. Public schools are usually maintained by school districts. The state often sets the district bou A. By uniting all the schools into a union. B. By having the federal administration. C. By having separate and independent control. D. By cooperating with the state government. [单选题]断路器的额定开断电流表明了断路器的()。
A.长期允许最大工作电流 B.灭弧能力 C.绝缘水平 [单项选择]加速器的机架,准直器和治疗床的旋转轴,应相交于球形空间,其半径不能大于()
A. 0.1mm B. 0.5mm C. 0.7mm D. 1mm E. 1.5mm [判断题]任何单位或者个人不得拼装机动车或者擅自改变机动车已登记的结构、构造或者特征。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]房屋二次抵押贷款是已获得银行个人房屋抵押贷款的借款人,在偿还一定贷款本息后,用该房屋抵押剩余价值作为抵押,再次向青岛农商银行微贷中心申请贷款,贷款额度最高300万,期限最长可达5年。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]初产妇,30岁,重度子痫前期,剖宫产分娩,胎盘娩出后子宫收缩差,出血较多,考虑宫缩乏力,下列处理不恰当的是()
A. 按摩子宫 B. 静滴缩宫素 C. 子宫动脉上行支结扎 D. 立即行子宫切除术 E. 输液、输血纠正休克 [单项选择]在会计实务中,记账凭证按其所反映的经济内容不同,可以分为( )。
A. 单式凭证和复式凭证 B. 通用凭证和专用凭证 C. 收款凭证、付款凭证和转账凭证 D. 一次凭证、累计凭证和汇总凭证 [多选题]执行操作票应逐项进行,严禁()操作。
A.跳项 B.漏项 C.倒项 D.越项 [判断题]按岩性特征可将烃源岩分为泥质岩类生油岩和碳酸盐岩类生油岩两大类。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]48、中国银监会国家林业局关于林权抵押贷款的实施意见,银行业金融机构要在抵押借款合同中明确要求借款人在林权抵押贷款合同签订后,及时向属地乡级以上林权登记机关申请办理抵押登记。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]桅杆使用时,其倾斜角度不得超过()度,并应在桅杆底部加封绳。
A. 10 B. 8 C. 12 D. 15 [单项选择]患儿,女,6岁。左侧颈旁肿痛结块3天,皮色未变,肿核形如鸽卵大,活动度不太。外治应首选()
A. 冲和膏 B. 金黄膏 C. 青黛膏 D. 红油膏 E. 白玉膏 [简答题]采取抽放措施可以有效降低煤与瓦斯突出的危险性。( )
A.公忠为国的社会责任感 B.恪尽职守的职业精神 C.自强不息、勇于创新的拼搏精神 D.以礼待人的和谐精神 [单项选择]离心泵把机械能传给液体的主要部件是()。
A. 轴 B. 联轴器 C. 叶轮 D. 泵壳 [单项选择]体层摄影中选择层间距大小的依据是()。
A. 被照体的厚度 B. 被照体的深度 C. 被照体的密度 D. 照射角的大小 E. 被检病变的大小 [单选题]在非ATO的自动报站模式下,开关门操作后PIDS系统收到小于( )km/h信号时报“……站到了”。
A.5 B.25/30 C.40 D.60 [多选题]建筑起重机械的安装单位的( )应当进行现场监督,技术负责人应当定期巡查。
A.专业技术人员 B.施工员 C.专职安全生产管理人员 D.项目负责人 E.机械员 [填空题]WK-4型挖掘机所使用的润滑油脂多为( )润滑脂。
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