{{B}}The Ice Age{{/B}} Twenty thousand years ago, the earth was held in control by relentlessly (不宽容地) probing fingers of ice that drew power from frigid strongholds in the north and crept southwestward to bury forests, fields, and mountains. Landscapes that were violated by the slowly moving glaciers(冰川 )would carry the scars of this advance far into the future. Temperatures dropped deeply, and land surfaces in many parts of the world were depressed by the unrelenting weight of the thrusting ice. At the same time, so much was drawn from the oceans to form these huge glaciers that sea levels around the world fell by three hundred and fifty feet, and large areas of the continental shelf became dry land. This period of the Earth’s history had come to b [单项选择]X线平片上,下述蝶鞍影像,属于正常蝶鞍影像的是()
A. 桥形蝶鞍 B. 鞍背骨质吸收 C. 双鞍底 D. 蝶鞍扩大 E. 鞍内偶可见到钙化影 [多选题]消防工作“三懂”是什么
A.懂得回报程序 B.懂本岗位生产过程火灾的危险性 C.懂火灾的预防措施 D.懂扑救初级火灾的方法 E.懂得灭火器技术资料 [单选题]全部电路为本质安全电气设备,称为[ ],简称本安型电气设备,也叫安全火花型电气设备。
A.本质安全型电气设备 B.增安型电气设备 C.正压型电气设备 D.特殊型电气设备 [单项选择]某工程施工内容包括土建、装饰、安装等几部分,项目监理部根据施工阶段拟派不同的监理工程师进场监理,这符合组织设计的( )原则。
A. 才职相称 B. 专业分工与协作统一 C. 经济效率 D. 弹性原则 [单项选择]在汽车租赁服务中,一般认为短期租赁的时间期限是______。
A. 15天以下 B. 15~90天 C. 90天以上 D. 一年以上 [单项选择]下列哪项不符合流行性乙型脑炎的病理改变()
A. 神经细胞变性,坏死 B. 血管套形成 C. 软化灶 D. 蛛网膜下腔有脓性渗出物 E. 胶质细胞增生 [单项选择]银行的诸多业务中,下面哪种业务不属于批发银行业务?()
A. 公司上市融资顾问 B. 协助高端客户建立投资组合并代理客户投资 C. 银行间市场的债券投资 D. 针对某大型基建项目设立银团贷款 [单选题]小型设计变更由建设单位或建设单位授权( )审批。
A.施工项目部 B.监理项目部 C.业主项目部 D.设计项目部 [多项选择]根据QC小组特点,可将小组活动课题分为()
A. 现场型; B. 服务型; C. 改进型; D. 管理型; E. 创新型; F. 攻关型 [单选题]安装或拆除蓄电池连接铜排或线缆时,应使用经绝缘处理的工器具,严禁将蓄电池正负极( )。
A.串接 B.开路 C.短接 D.并接 [单项选择]Your company has a single Active Directory forest that has an Active Directory domain named na.contoso.com. A server named Server1 runs the DNS Server server role.You notice stale resource records in the na.contoso.com zone. You have enabled DNS scavenging on Server1. Three weeks later, you notice that the stale resource records remain in na.contoso.com.You need to ensure that the stale resource records are removed from na.contoso.com.What should you do?()
A. Stop and restart the DNS Server service on Server1. B. Enable DNS scavenging on the na.contoso.com zone. C. Run the dnscmd Server1 /AgeAllRecords command on Server1. D. Run the dnscmd Server1 /StartScavenging command on Server1. [单项选择]
(二)阅读下文,回答以下五题。 [单选题] 队旗分为()四个等级
A.局级、总队级、支队级、大队级 B.总队级、支队级、大队级、中队(站)级 C.总队级、支队级、大队级、中队(站)级、分队级 D.部级、局级、总队级、支队级 [单选题]放线、紧线时,处理有卡、挂现象,应松线后处理。处理时操作人员应站在卡线处( )。
A.内侧 B.外侧 C.下方 D.上方 [单项选择]在下列结构中,属于牙本质反应性改变的是()
A. 继发性牙本质 B. 前期牙本质 C. 透明牙本质 D. 管周牙本质 E. 球间牙本质 [单项选择]20岁,晨练后突感右下腹部持续性疼痛6h,伴恶心、呕吐。月经3~5/29,月经周期第15天。查体:痛苦面容,强迫屈曲位,腹肌紧张,压痛,无反跳痛,右下腹压痛明显。肛诊检查:子宫前位正常大;子宫右后,直肠右前方。可触及8cm×7cm×6cm张力较大的囊实性肿块,触痛明显,不活动。血常规提示白细胞升高。最可能的诊断是()
A. 急性阑尾炎 B. 乙状结肠扭转 C. 卵巢肿瘤蒂扭转 D. 卵巢卵泡破裂出血 E. 卵巢巧克力囊肿破裂 [判断题]>冷锯机常采用有齿锯片,热锯机常采用能分离切削的无齿锯片。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交