Yesterday, when Lil’ Kim was sentenced
to a year and a day in prison for lying to a grand jury, it seemed like more
proof that rappers just can’t stay out of jail. The conventional wisdom is that
for hip-hop stars, there’s a connection between crime and credibility. Every
time some rapper poses for a mug shot, there is a chorus of commentators ready
to declare that it’s all a publicity stunt. The sentencing of Lil’ Kim comes after two months when two rappers faced more serious charges. On June 17 the Philadelphia rapper Cassidy turned himself in to the police, who were looking for him as a suspect in a shooting that killed one man and wounded two others. Less than two weeks later, Cassidy’s second album, "I’m a Hustla", arrived in stores; it makes its debut at No. 5 on this week’s Billboard album chart A. released his first album alter his arrest. B. was arrested and hence the sale of his album sharply declined. C. delivered himself to the police. D. was caught by the police. [填空题]顺序存储方法是把逻辑上相邻的结点存储在物理位置 【2】 的存储单元中。
[单项选择]The main idea of the passage is that ______.
A. black Americans served bravely during the Revolutionary War B. black Americans served under the French during the World War I C. more black Americans died than whites in wars D. black Americans have served their country bravely in many wars [单选题]下列关于漏电检测仪的表述中,正确的是( )。
A.漏电检测仪主要用于火场或其他抢险救援现场确定是否漏电或确定漏电的具体位置。 B.利用漏电检测仪进行探测时,必须接触电源。 C.漏电检测仪对直流电同样起作用。 D.高压场合应选用高灵敏度或目标前置式漏电检测仪。 [单项选择]关于颈椎病下列哪项是错误的()
A. 是由于椎间盘退行性病变和椎体的骨质增生性病变,压迫颈神经根和(或)脊髓引起的临床综合征 B. 严重者可导致四肢瘫 C. 有颈痛和强迫头位 D. 是臂丛神经痛最常见的原因 E. 可有脊髓压迫症状 [判断题]工作班组的现场操作,在完成操作后应做好记录。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下情况不会导致车门显红的是( )
A.在门打开的情况下触发门关好行程开关 B.拉下紧急解锁手柄 C.电动开关门时,故意阻挡车门开关 D.电动关门时,门关闭过程中按压开门按钮 [多选题]弹簧式安全阀有哪些故障?( )
A.安全阀不能及时开启; B.安全阀不能打开; C.内漏; D.安全阀起跳后,不能及时回座。 [单项选择]Which of the following statements about early colonial housing is NOT mentioned in the passage
A. The plantation house of the southern colonies was based on the wealthier houses in England. B. New England continued to prefer timber rather than brick, even when masonry house began to symbolize status. C. The English Gothic building traditions influenced the way houses were built in both New England and the South. D. Brick and stone buildings were most common where the influence of English traditions was the strongest. [多选题]中国人民警察警歌是人民警察( )的体现。
A.性质 B.宗旨 C. 使命 D.精神 [判断题]装有易碎品的车辆,禁止手推调车。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]试述如何对精神发育迟滞患者进行教育和训练?
[单选题]各类餐(吧)车食品上料单,做到( )。
A.登记信息齐全完整 B.登记完整、对应真实 C.登记全面,清淅 D.登记规范,内容真实 [单项选择]麻疹疹回期可见
A. 口腔黏膜斑 B. 发热咳嗽,泪水汪汪 C. 咳嗽气促,疹色紫暗 D. 热退咳减,疹点依次渐回 E. 身热起伏,疹随热出,摸之碍手 [多选题]、老窑水的特点是()。
A.多为碱性水 B.以静储量为主 C.一般含有硫化氢气体 D.突水迅猛,破坏性强 [单项选择]下列关于以死亡为给付保险金条件的人身保险合同的转让,说法正确的是( )。
A. 转让将改变保单的被保险人 B. 转让必须经过被保险人的书面同意 C. 转让本身需重新指定受益人 D. 转让不通知保险人也对保险人有约束力 [判断题]测速发动机是一种反应转速信号的电器元件,它的作用是将输入的机械转速变换电压信号输出。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]氧气转炉的炉衬组成是( )。
A.工作层 B.永久层 C.绝热层 D.隔热层 [单选题]下列关于消防员灭火防护服使用说法错误的是( )(易)
A.穿着前应进行检查,发现有损坏,不得使用。 B.穿着中不宜接触明火以及有锐角的坚硬物体。 C.穿着灭火防护服可以直接进入有毒、腐蚀性场所。 D.穿着后应及时检查,发现破损,应报废,及时更换。 [判断题]群众到消防中队报警时,应按照基本流程实施警情受理。若警情为火灾和应急救援时,接警员应详细询问并记录地址.灾情等警情要素,第一时间调出中队消防力量,同时在接处警系统录入警情或向上级作战指挥中心报告。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]按照依法制定的交易规则进行的交易,即使事后发现存在内幕交易的情形,证券交易所也不得改变其交易结果。( )
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