The average population density of the
world is 47 persons per square mile. Continental densities range from no
permanent inhabitants in Antarctica to 211 per square mile in Europe. In the
western hemisphere, population densities range from about 4 per square mile in
Canada to 675 per square mile in Puerto Rico. In Europe the range is from 4 per
square mile in Iceland to 831 per square mile in the Netherlands. within
countries there are wide variations of population densities. For example, in
Egypt, the average is 55 persons per square mile, but 1,300 persons inhabit each
square mile in settled portions where the land is arable. High population densities generally occur in regions of developed industrialization, such as the Netherlands, Belgium, and Great Britain, or where lands are intensively used for agriculture, as in Puerto Ri A. a gazetteer B. an almanac C. a textbook on economics D. a world geography book [填空题] )解决可能造成用户低电压、故障率较高或影响用户用电改造项目属于( )。(
A. 50% B. 85% C. 94% [单项选择]哪项不是儿童攻击性行为产生的主要原因()。
A. 疏泄情绪,保护自己 B. 观察模仿的结果 C. 家教不当 D. 家族遗传 [单项选择]不属于连轧的优点的是()。
A. 轧制速度高,轧件温降小 B. 产品灵活多样,适于小批量生产 C. 成品尺寸精度高 D. 生产效率高 [单项选择]"虚则补之,实则泻之"属于()
A. 反治法 B. 正治法 C. 治标法 D. 标本兼顾法 E. 治本 [单项选择]( )是十八世纪末资产阶级在反封建革命斗争中的著名纲领性文件,以后成为法国宪法的序言。
A. 《人权宣言》 B. 《独立宣言》 C. 《自由大宪章》 D. 《人身保护法》 [多项选择]个人献血登记记录主要有:()
A. 个人详细资料 B. 献血者同意书 C. 病史 D. 身体基本检查记录 我来回答: 提交