When I became president of the
University of Michigan, affirmative action in higher education was under siege.
Buoyed by a successful lawsuit against the University of Texas law school’s
admission policy and by ballot initiatives such as California’s Proposition 209,
which outlawed race as a factor in college admissions, the opponents set their
sights on affirmative-action programs at college across the country. The rumor that Michigan would be the next target in this campaign turned out to be correct. I believed strongly that we had no choice but to mount the best legal defense ever for diversity in higher education and take special efforts to explain this complex issue, in simple and direct language, to the American public. There are many mispereeptions about how race and ethnieity are considered in college admissions. Competitive colleges and universi A. The college admission officials. B. Faculty and staff of the university. C. Board of trustees. D. Those who are opposed or undecided. [单选题]水泥混凝土路面采用机械摊铺时,布料机与振平机之间应保持()的安全距离。
A.1 〜3m B.2〜3m C.3〜6m D.5〜8m [单项选择]上卸扣时,内外钳之间的夹角应在()。
A. 30º~40º B. 45º~90º C. 90º~100º D. 30º~60º [多项选择]单位开立定期存款账户,银行应审查()
A. 《开户申请书》 B. 营业执照正本 C. 基本账户开户许可证 D. 单位介绍信 [单项选择]中毒型菌痢的发病主要是由于
A. 细菌毒力强 B. 感染细菌数量大 C. 细菌外毒素的作用 D. 机体对细菌内毒素的反应性增高 E. 病疾杆菌突破血脑屏障,侵入中枢神经系统 [多选题](),应当具备与所从事的生产经营活动相适应的安全生产知识和管理能力。
A.生产经营单位的主要负责人 B.分管安全生产的负责人 C.安全生产管理人员 D.一线员工 [简答题]
计算题: [单选题]铁路内部各部门之间必须遵循人民铁路为人民这一( )。
A.规范 B.原则 C.准则 D.标准 [判断题]没有得到起重机司机的同意,任何人不得登上起重机或桥式起重机的轨道。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]正常时结膜囊最大可容纳药液量为
A. 5μl B. 10μl C. 20μl D. 30μl [单选题]刀6】线路杆塔的编号顺序应从()。 ( )
A. 送电端编至受电端 B.受电端编至送电端 C. 耐张杆开始 D. 变电站开始 [多选题]投料等敞口操作必须()
A.戴口罩 B.防护手套 C.面罩 我来回答: 提交