American people have always been moving from one place to another throughout the history of their development: The history of the American people is, (21) , the history of the movement of the American people. They moved from the colonies of the East Coast to the open space of the (22) . They moved from the country and the farm to the city. (23) , Americans have been moving from the cities to the suburbs.
Pioneer Americans began (24) from the East Coast to the West 250 years ago. They moved west for many reasons. (25) reason was that they could obtain (26) open space and land (27) farming. Americans liked large open spaces, and they liked the freedom and independence to (28) the land in their own way. Some of the land became farms. Important minerals were discovered in some areas, so some of the land became (29) . Other large areas became farms and cattle ranches. There seemed to be enough land for everybody. B
A. a task
B. a job
C. a life
D. a career
Interesting as dolphins (海豚) are to
scientists, it is their intelligence and sociability that have caught the
popular imagination. Like whales, dolphins have a strong sense of family. A
dolphin family is like a human family, but much larger. Dolphins seem to be among the most socia A. a language unknown B. sounds that are a real language C. sounds that approach a real language D. their brains [判断题]隐患治理信息台账应当包括隐患名称、隐患等级、治理措施、完成时限、复查结果、责任部门和责任人等内容( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]车辆基地由()组成。
A.综合维修中心 B.物资总库 C.培训中心 D.站厅 [单项选择]滑动轴承颈的技术要求如下:Φ100mm轴颈的圆度为0.005mm,圆柱度为0.01mm,两断Φ100mm轴颈的经向圆跳动均在( )以内。
A. 0.02mm B. 0.015mm C. 0.003mm D. 0.01mm [多选题]批量凭证打印业务规则包括
A.同一网点任意柜员可打印 B.系统检验凭证最小号 C.存折打印内容摘要为简称 D.可在入账后任意时间打印 [单项选择]在长输管路上,以()占主导。
A. 局部摩阻 B. 液体与管壁摩阻 C. 边界层分离 D. 沿程摩阻 [判断题]“收入-费用=利润”这一会计等式,是复式记账法的理论基础,也是编制资产负债表的依据。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]工程执行过程中主要的管理工作有()。
A. 施工安全 B. 质量控制 C. 成本控制 D. 进度管理 [简答题]传动链轮由哪几部分组成?
[判断题]中间站利用本务机车调车, 应使用附有示意图的调车作业通知单。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]规划咨询中,专项规划一般包括( )。
A. 国民经济和社会发展规划 B. 产业结构调整规划 C. 生态建设规划 D. 环境规划 E. 城镇化规划 [单选题]安全检查中的经常性的“日查”,主要在日常生产活动中进行,一般由( )组织。
A.车间主任 B.技术员 C.班组长 D.工段长 [简答题]《铁路旅客运输办理细则》(铁运〔1997〕103号)规定,车站对非车站人员进站经营搬运业务的应予以<--NRC-->。
A. 说明部分 B. 项目计划 C. 培训计划 D. 需求分析 我来回答: 提交