I recently took care of a 50-year-old
man who had been admitted to the hospital short of breath. During his monthlong
stay he was seen by a hematologist, an endocrinologist, a kidney specialist, a
podiatrist, two cardiologists, a cardiac electrophysiologist, an
infectious-diseases specialist, a pulmonologist, an ear-nose-throat specialist,
a urologist, a gastroenterologist, a neurologist, a nutritionist, a general
surgeon, a thoracic surgeon and a pain specialist. He underwent 12 procedures, including cardiac catheterization, a pacemaker implant and a bone marrow biopsy (to work-up chronic anemia). Despite this wearying schedule, he maintained an upbeat manner, walking the corridors daily with assistance to chat with nurses and physician assistants. When he was discharged, follow-up visits were A. The United States has one of the least efficient health-care system in the world. B. My friend had to over-test his patients more because he needs to earn more profit from the tests and to gain a good reputation. C. It seems that in different regions of the U. S. the number of deaths is in proportion to the healthcare expenditure. D. Patients are the actual victims of the over-testing and over-procedures. [单选题]完全燃烧必须具备的条件之一是
A.挥发分少 B.挥发分高 C.足够的燃烧时间 [单选题]从实际应用来看,根据产品风险等级的不同,下列关于极低风险产品的表述中,正确的是( )。
A.一般主要投资于货币市场工具、国债、银行存款等低风险资产 B.产品形式上以资产管理类产品为主 C.具有较弱的流动性和安全性 D.收益相对较高 [单项选择]某公寓采用高科技恒温恒湿节能系统,主打广告语“告别空调暖气时代”。这是提炼于项目的()。
A. 市场定位 B. 产品定位 C. 客户定位 D. 形象定位 [单项选择]具有化湿而恶湿特点的脏是()。
A. 肾 B. 脾 C. 肺 D. 肝 E. 心 [简答题]什么是道岔开通信号?如何显示?
免费优先载运。这体现了行政主体享有( )。
A.行政特权 B.行政收益权 C.获得社会协助权 D.先行处置权 [判断题]正常情况下,中央级与本地级之间的控制权转换由行调与车站人员在各自的工作站上进行应答操作完成。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在选择焊条时,必须保证焊条熔敷金属的强度大大超过母材金属的强度。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]当发生电气火灾时,应该怎么做?
[填空题]涵洞圬工保护层有风化剥落露筋时,应进行( )修补和表面喷射水泥砂装等办法处理。
[单选题]钢轨伤损中表示一点重伤的标记是( )。
A.|←△△△→| B.↑△△△ C.←△△△→ D.↗△△△↖ [判断题]对于产品条件为客户有权提前支取的公司客户结构性存款产品,客户必须以书面形式向结构性存款签约账户开立机构营业部提出申请并提交加盖公章/预留印鉴的《结构性存款提前支取通知书》。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]由于试剂不纯引起的误差是()。
A. 偶然误差 B. 系统误差 C. 过失误差 D. 或然误差 [多选题]防爆手持电台的操作使用的注意事项( )
A.消防员在防爆手持电台的使用过程中,不能在危险环境里更换电池和其他附件 B.即使是经过防爆检测机构认证的防爆手持电台,在危险大气中使用时,也不能将附件连接器暴露在外面 C.消防员不需要使用附件连接器,则应当用防尘罩严密遮蔽 D.不要以任何方式自行拆卸经过防爆检测机构认证的防爆手持电台。 [判断题]()操作面点加工设备的人员都必须经过培训,掌握安全操作方法。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交