{{B}}The Art
of Public Speaking{{/B}} If you were to tape-record one of David Letterman’s comedy routines, memorize it word for word, and stand up before your friends to recite it, would you get the same response Letterman does Not very likely. And why not Because you would not deliver the jokes as Letterman does. Of course, the jokes are basically funny. But David Letterman bring something extra to the jokes—his manner of presentation, his vocal inflections, his perfectly timed pauses, his facial expressions, his gestures. All these are part of an expert delivery. No one expects your speech class to transform you into a multimillion-dollar talk show host. Still, this example demonstrates how important delivery can be to any public speaking situation. Even a common speech will be A. It is only customary to memorize the shortest speeches. B. It should be encouraged to do so though it is not customary today. C. Speakers should try to remember all the words all the time. D. It is always better than reading through the manuscript. [单选题]( )在有安全员的航班上,以下属于客舱乘务员航前清舱检查的项目是 。
A.厕所废物箱 B.行李架 C.机组休息区 D.厨房垃圾箱 [单选题]河北省沧州市一化工厂液氯系统不正常,决定将氯气直接切换至尾气吸收系统,制次氯酸钠。在开启直接通往尾气系统的阀门后,由于开启速度过快造成塑料管线突然破裂,大量氯气外泄,致使厂外群众800余人吸入氯气,147人送医院救治,19人住院治疗。氯气进入人体的最主要途径为()。
A.皮肤 B.呼吸道 C.消化道 [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,装表接电作业宜在停电下进行。带电装表接电时,应戴手套,应采取防止( )的安全措施。
A.机械伤害 B.相间短路 C.反送电 D.电弧灼伤 [名词解释]个别访问
[单项选择]Pentium微处理器的寄存器组是在8086/8088微处理器的基础上扩展起来的。下面是关于Pentium微处理器中寄存器组的叙述,其中正确的是( )。
A. 所有的寄存器都是从16位扩展为32位 B. EAX、EBX、ECX、EDX、ESP、EBP、ESI和EDI既可作为32位也可作为16位或8位寄存器使用 C. 选项B)中的所有寄存器既可存放数据,也可作为基址或变址 D. 段寄存器从4个增加到6个 [填空题]一个线圈的磁通变化率为0.0075T/S,匝数N为200匝,则感应电动势E=(Q)V。 (计算结果保留小数点后一位)
[单选题]请阅读Passage l。完成第小题。
Passage 1
Unless you spend much time sitting in a college classroom or browsing through certain areas of the Internet, it's possible that you had not heard of trigger warnings until a few weeks ago, when they made an appearance in the Times. The newspaper explained that the term refers to preemptive alerts, issued by a professor or an institution at the request of students, indicating that material presented in class might be sufficiently graphic to spark symptoms of post-traumatic-stress disorder.
The term seems to have originated in online feminist forums, where trigger warnings have for some years been used to flag discussions of rape or other sexual violence. The Times piece, which was skeptically titled "Warning: The Literary Canon Could Make Students Squirm," suggested that trigger warnings are moving from the online fringes to the classroom, and might be more broadly applied to highlight in advance the distress or offense that a work of literature might cause.
"Huckleberry Finn" would come with a warning for those who have experienced racism; "The Merchant of Venice" would have an anti-Semitism warning attached. The call from students for trigger warnings was spreading on campuses such as Oberlin, where a proposal was drafted that would advise professors to"be aware of racism, classism, sexism, and other issues of privilege and oppression" in devising their syllabi; and Rutgers, where a student argued in the campus newspaper that trigger warnings would contribute to preserving the classroom as a"safe space" for students.
Online discussion of trigger warnings has sometimes been guardedly sympathetic, sometimes critical. Jessica Valenti has noted on The Nation's website that potential triggers for trauma are so manifold as to be beyond the possibility of cataloguing : "There is no trigger warning for living your life." Some have suggested that a professor's ability to teach would be compromised should it become commonplace for"The Great Gatsby" to bear a trigger warning alerting readers to the disgusting characters and incidents within its pages. Others have worried that trigger-warning advocates, in seeking to protect the vulnerable, run the risk of disempowering them instead.
"Bending the world to accommodate our personal frailties does not help us overcome them", Jenny Jarvie wrote on The New Republic's online site.
Jarvie's piece, like many others on the subject, cited the University of California, Santa Barbara, as a campus where champions of trigger warnings have made significant progress. Earlier this year, students at U.
B. agreed upon a resolution recommending that such warnings be issued in instances where classroom materials might touch upon "rape, sexual assault, abuse, self-injurious behavior, suicide, and graphic violence". The resolution was brought by a literature student who said that, as a past victim of sexual violence, she had been shocked when a teacher showed a movie in class which depicted rape, without giving advance notice of the content. The student hoped to spare others the possibility of experiencing a post-traumatic-stress reaction.
The trigger-warning debate may, by comparison, seem hard to understand; but express a larger cultural preoccupation with achieving safety, and a fear of living in its absence. The hope that safety might be found, as in a therapist's office, in a classroom where literature is being taught is in direct contradiction to one purpose of literature, which is to give expression through art to difficultanduncomfortableideas,andtherebytoenlargethereader'sexperienceand comprehension. The classroom can never be an entirely safe space, nor, probably, should it be. But it's difficult to fault those who hope that it might be, when the outside world constantly proves itself pervasively hostile, as well as, on occasion, horrifically violent.
Which of the following might be a possible change to be brought about by trigger warning to literature teaching?
A.Teachers will abandon materials related to racism, sexism, violence, etc. B.Teachers will ignore students' requests for a "safe space" in designing their syllabi. C.Teachers will give students advance notice of the content that is likely to distress or offend them. D.Teachers will allow students to express different and uncomfortable ideas to enlarge their experience. [多项选择]2010版支票样式说法正确的是().
A. 统一支票底纹颜色,不再按行别分色 B. 现金支票主题图案为梅花 C. 转账支票、清分机支票的主题图案为竹 D. 支票号码前不再冠地名 [判断题]在高压设备上工作,可以使用口头、电话命令。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]前置机系统担负着 ( )等任务。
A.保存所有历史数据; B.对电网实时监控和操作; C.数据通信及通信规约解释; D.基本SCADA功能和AGC/EDC控制与显示; [单项选择]下列事项中不构成设计变更的是( )。
A. 更改有关部分的标高、基线、位置和尺寸 B. 变更工程质量标准 C. 改变有关工程的施工时间和顺序 D. 增减合同中约定的工程量 [单项选择]Melissa and LoveLetter made use of the trust that exists between friends or colleagues. Imagine receiving an (71) from a friend who asks you to open it. This is what happens with Melissa and several other similar email (72) . Upon running, such worms usually proceed to send themselves out to email addresses from the victim’s address book, previous emails, web pages (73) .
As administrators seek to block dangerous email attachments through the recognition of well-known (74) , virus writers use other extensions to circumvent such protection. Executable (.exe) files are renamed to .bat and .cmd plus a whole list of other extensions and will still run and successfully infect target users.
Frequently, hackers try to penetrate networks by sending an attachment that looks like a flash movie, which, while displaying some cute animation, simultaneously runs commands in the background to steal your passwords and give the (75) access to your network.
A. virtual B. virus C. worms D. bacteria [单选题]各类灾害事故救援现场,应设( ),负责现场安全监测和预警提示。
A. 通信员 B. 信息员 C. 安全员 D. 助理员 我来回答: 提交