The art market is a window on the
thoughts of the very rich. In November, 1994, Bill Gates, founder of the
Microsoft computer empire, spent 30.8 million dollars on a 72 - page manuscript
written and illustrated by the left hand of Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo was not just one of the greatest artist of the Renaissance. He was also a farseeing scientist whose mind leaps ahead of his time. The manuscript, which contains Leonardo’ s thoughts on the nature of water and on universe, was the only one of his 65 surviving manuscripts that was held in the United States. Six months later, Andrew Lloyd Webber, creator of a series of international hit musicals and a A. Leonardo da Vinci was a great artist, but not much of a scientist. B. Bill Gates spent a large sum of money to buy Leonardo da Vinci’s 65 surviving manuscripts in order to keep them in the United States. C. Leonardo da Vinci once wrote and illustrated a 72 - page manuscript with the left hand. D. The manuscript which costs Bill Gates 30.8 million dollars contains Leonardo’ s view on natural scenery. [判断题]-A-001 4 1 3
工作场地昏暗,无法看清场地,指挥信号和被吊物等情况,天车工有权拒绝操作。 [T/] A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Ag(DDC)法检查砷盐
A. Ag(DDC)吡啶试液 B. 砷斑 C. 白田道夫法 D. 微孔滤膜法 E. 过硫酸铵 [单选题]银行业从业人员禁止贿赂及为监管者提供不当便利.以下没有违反这一原则的行为是( )。
A.为监管人员提供免费的通讯工具 B.为现场检查的监管人员免费提供交通工具 C.为监管人员报销因现场检查支付的费用 D.为监管人员提供现场检查要求的文件 [判断题]接触网运行中的开关,每年要用2500V的兆欧表测量一次绝缘电阻
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]其实,当前老百姓不仅要提防假冒伪劣商品,各种有害食品也需要老百姓自 己___、自己学会防范。
A.填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是()。 B.甄选 C.辨别 C识别 D.分辨 [多选题]下列关于作业开始前请点叙述正确的是( )。
A.、施工负责人、责任人提前到主站、辅站进行登记; B.、当施工条件达到后由主站向行调请点; C.、行调确认符合条件后批准请点; D.、主站确认行调批准请点后,通知辅站人员可以开始作业。 [单项选择]启封许可合同是()
A. 启封后阅读合同条款,必须接受 B. 启封前阅读合同条款,可以不接受并退回软件 C. 启封后阅读合同条款,可以不接受并退回软件 D. 启封前阅读合同条款,必须接受 [单选题]脊柱韧带中抗张力能力最强的是()。
A.黄韧带 B.前纵韧带 C.棘上韧带 D.棘间韧带 E.后纵韧带 我来回答: 提交