10小时后出现烦躁不安,血压偏低,心率45次/分,心电示Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞,频发房性期前收缩,此时治疗应首先() Why do some new products succeed, bring
millions of dollars to innovative companies, while others fail, often with great
losses7 The answer is not simple, and certainly we cannot say that "good"
products succeed while "bad" products fail. Many products that function well and
seem to meet consumer needs have fallen by the wayside. Sometimes, virtually
identical products exist in the market at the same time with one emerging as
profitable while the other fails. Mc. Neal Laboratories’ Tylenol has become
successful as an aspirin substitute, yet Bristol Meyers entered the test market
at about the same time with Neotrend, also a substitute for aspirin which
quickly failed. The nature of the product is a factor in its success or failure, but the important point is that they should aim at meeting the customer’s need, and the introduc A. They are names of two drug manufactures. B. They are probably two new brands of medicine which serve as a substitute for aspirin. C. Tylenol is a drug manufacturer whereas Neotrend is a new substitute medicine for aspirin. D. They are probably the names of chemists who invented the new medicine. [单选题]TCP协议工作在以下的哪个层?( )
A.物理层 B.链路层 C.传输层 D.应用层 [判断题]电流互感器及电压互感器二次侧都应接熔断器作短路保护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]10与氯气泄露事故相比,哪一项是氨气泄漏事故所特有的?()
A. 扩散迅速,危害范围大。 B. 易造成大量人员毒伤亡。 C. 易发生爆炸燃烧。 D. 污染环境,洗消困。 [判断题]行车供电设备计划检修停电,应编入铁路运输方案,不用通知重要用户。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]《铁路运输调度规则》关于交付和核 对限速调度命令有何规定?
[判断题]民航电报简字简语中,QTA中文解释为“取消”,QTB中文解释为“电报残缺”。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按解剖学方位,人体可有相互垂直的三种类型的轴,即() ( )
A.矢状轴、冠状轴、额状轴 B.矢状轴、冠状轴、垂直轴 C.垂直轴、冠状轴、水平轴 D.额状轴、垂直轴、冠状轴 E.矢状轴、冠状轴、水平轴 [单选题]“奈特尔家庭"起源于澳大利亚,但在中国却非常普遍。指的是那些由于成本增加、工作压力变大,家长为了提高家庭收入,牺牲节假日消遣或与家人团聚的时间去工作,虽然家庭收 人逐年增加,但却失去了陪伴孩子和享受生活的机会。
A.小黄夫妇为了孩子的前途,从幼儿园起就给孩子报名各种辅导班,孩子在节假日上课的同时,父母就到单位加班 B.小林是个月薪上万的白领,觉得工作强度太大,有了孩子后自己疏于照顾,于是主动降薪跳槽到一家不是很忙的小公司 C.小陆夫妇为了给孩子更好的物质生活,总是忙于工作,为此特地把老家父母请来照顾孩子的起居 D.小段是个警察,经常遇到突发状况,不得不节假日加班,孩子经常由妻子一个人带 [判断题]带电断开导线时,应断开相线(火线),后断开零线。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]共用题干
The Barbie Dolls In the mid 1940's, the young ambitious duo(一对艺人)Ruth and Elliot Handler, owned a company that made wooden picture frames.It was in 1945 that Ruth and Elliot Handler joined with their close friend Harold Mattson to form a company that would be known for the most famous and successful doll ever created.This company would be named Mattel, MATT for Mattson,and EL for Elliot. In the mid 1950's,while visiting Switzerland,Ruth Handler purchased a German Lilli doll.Lilli was a shapely,pretty fashion doll first made in 1955.She was originally fashioned after a famous cartoon character in The West German Newsletter, Build. Lilli is the doll that would inspire Ruth Handler to design the Barbie doll.With the help of her technicians and engineers at Mattel,Barbie was born.Ruth then hired Charlotte Johnson,a fashion designer,to create Barbie's wardrobe.It was in 1 958 that the patent for Barbie was obtained.This would be a fashion doll unlike any of her time.She would be long limbed,shapely,beautiful,and only 11.5 inches tall.Ruth and Elliot would name their new fashion doll after their own daughter,Barbie. In 1959,the Barbie doll would make her way to the New York Toy Show and receive a cool reception from the toy buyers. Barbie has undergone a lot of changes over the years and has managed to keep up with current trends in hairstyles,makeup and clothing.She is a reflection of the history of fashion since her introduction to the toy market. Barbie has a universal appeal and collectors both young and old enjoy time spent and memories made with their dolls. Lilli was originally fashioned after A.Build. B.a German worker. C.a pretty girl. D.a shapely woman. [单选题]高柱进路信号机在正常情况下的显示距离不得少于()m。
A.400 B.600 C.800 D.1000 [判断题]视差角观测的精度要求很高,通常用J2级经纬仪观测,在观测程序上需用盘左、盘右复测法,以消除误差。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在高压室内的二次接线和照明回路工作,需将高压设备停电或做安全措施时应使用()。
A.第一种工作票 B.第二种工作票 C.口头指令 [单选题]液压防火关断活门何时关闭
A.主电门置于OFF位时 B.FIRE PUSH BUTTON按出时 C.若探测到火警,自动关闭 D.当灭火瓶释放后 [单选题]拒不承担赡养、抚养、扶养义务的,情节严重的,予以()。
A.警告 B.记过或者记大过 C.撤职 D.开除 [判断题]发生铁路交通一般D类及以上作业事故(不含一般D15、D21类事故),负有责任的,每件记12分;发生安全红线问题,每件记12分;发生A类安全问题,每件记3分;发生B类安全问题,每件记0.3分。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]基质吸附率
[单项选择]电子政务系统中的身份认证过程中,所需的基础安全服务支持由( )提供。
A. 授权服务平台 B. 底层的信任 C. 证书 D. A和B 我来回答: 提交