Questions 11 to 15 are based on the
following passage. Most of us have seen a dog staring at, sometimes snarling at, and approaching a reflection of itself. For most animals, seeing their own image in a mirror acts as a social stimulus. But does the dog recognize itself, or does the reflection simply signal a potential companion or threat This question is interest for a number of reasons. Apart from curiosity about the level of animals’ understanding, research on self-recognition in animals has several benefits. It provides some insight into the evolutionary significance of this skill of self- recognition and into the level and kinds of cognitive competence that the skill requires. Such research also indicates the kinds of learning experiences that determine the development of self-recognition. In addition, work wi A. to prove that the chimps are not self-precognitive B. to prove that the chimps have the ability to remember their own appearance C. to prove that the chimps have realized that the figures they see in the mirrors are themselves D. to prove that the chimps are non-human [单项选择]将猫、狗、鼠等概括为“动物”,是属于()。
A. 辨别学习 B. 概念学习 C. 规则或原理学习 D. 言语联结学习 [单选题]CRH3A型动车组受电弓监控摄像头安装在()车。
A.02,06 B.03,06 C.03,07 D.02,07 [单项选择]患者因腹胀,全身疼痛而就诊。检查:脾肋缘下6cm,血液白细胞计数160×10 98/L,可见各阶段幼稚粒细胞少许。应首先考虑的是
A. 脾功能亢进 B. 门脉性肝硬化 C. 急性粒细胞白血病 D. 慢性粒细胞白血病 E. 急性淋巴细胞白血病 [多选题]下列说法正确的是( )
A.国家基准处在全国量值传递的最高点或起点 B.国家基准是全国量值溯源的终点 C.工作标准是指用于日常校准或核查实物量具.测量仪器或参考物质的一种测量标准 D.参考标准是尽作参考,没有实际的意义,不受法律限制 [单选题]101-128车1个拖车转向架有( )个牵引电机。
A.0 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]实现“人人享有卫生保健”的基本策略和途径是()。
A. 社区卫生服务 B. 初级卫生保健 C. 健康教育 D. 健康促进 E. 全民健身 [单选题]CZ系列道岔尖轨采用()钢轨制造
A.60D40 B.Zul-60 C.50kg/m D.60kg/m [单项选择]函数y=log2(x+1)的图象经过( )。
A. (0,1) B. (1,0) C. (0,0) D. (2,0) [多选题]3.185. 在能源消费上实施电能替代,以电能替代()等化石能源,提高电能在终端能源消费中的比重。
A.煤炭 B.石油 C.天然气 D.核能 [单选题]为避免电流互感器铁芯发生饱和现象,可采用()
A.采用优质的铁磁材料制造铁芯 B.在铁芯中加入钢材料 C.在铁芯中加入气隙 D.采用多个铁芯相串联 [单项选择]电视新闻编辑工作职责中的总体策划的重点是______。
A. 后期策划 B. 远期策划 C. 中期策划 D. 近期策划 [判断题]同一项施工的作业人员不同时段分批进入轨行区,必须由施工负责人返回端门申请带入。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某隧道检测锚杆砂浆注满度,实测脉冲波接收的重复多次反射信号振幅值很小,则初步判断砂浆 注满度( ) 。
A.饱满 B.不饱满 C.基本饱满,局部欠饱满 D.不确定 [填空题]男性性功能障碍根据临床表现可分为:___________、___________、___________。
A. SA(结构化分析) B. IE(信息工程建模) C. OOA(面向对象分析) D. RAA(快速架构分析) [单选题]下列哪类不属于重大灾害事故应急救援中的个人防护等级( )。
A.特级 B.一级 C.二级 D.三级 [多选题]下列选项中,客户可以在智慧柜员机“信用卡”功能模块下完成哪些业务?( )
A.信用卡激活 B.信用卡密码修改 C.信用卡密码重置 D.信用卡自动还款签约 E.信用卡手机号维护 F.信用卡综合查询 G.信用卡还款 [单项选择]ERPF测定属于( )
A. 血液和淋巴系统核医学 B. 消化系统核医学 C. 心血管系统核医学 D. 泌尿生殖系统核医学 E. 神经系统核医学 [单选题]人工垂直接地体宜采用热浸镀锌圆钢、角钢、钢管,长度宜为 ( )m。
A.1 B.1.5 C.2 D.2.5 [单项选择]Many Americans harbor a grossly distorted and exaggerated view of most of the risks surrounding food. Fergus Clydesdale, head of the department of food science and nutrition at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, says bluntly that if the dangers from bacterially contaminated chicken were as great as some people believe, "the streets would be littered with people lying here and there."
Though the public increasingly demands no-risk food, there is no such thing. Bruce Ames, chairman of the biochemistry department at the University of California, Berkeley, points out that up to 10% of a plant’s weight is made up of natural pesticide (杀虫剂). Says he, "Since plants do not have jaws or teeth to protect themselves, they employ chemical warfare." And many naturally produced chemicals, though occurring in tiny amounts, prove in laboratory tests to be strong carcinogens—a substance that can cause cancer. Mushrooms (蘑菇) might be banned if they were judged by the same standards that apply A. objective B. disappointed C. confident D. scared [单项选择]观察心脏左、右心室,右心房和胸主动脉最佳的摄影体位是()
A. 右侧位 B. 右前斜位 C. 左侧位 D. 左前斜位 E. 无差别 [判断题]触电者触及高压带电设备,救护人员应迅速切断电源,或用适合该电压等级的绝缘工具(戴绝缘手套、穿绝缘靴并用绝缘棒)解脱触电者。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对升丹过敏患者,溃疡疮面用提脓祛腐药,应选用()
A. 八宝丹 B. 黑虎丹 C. 平胬丹 D. 九黄丹 E. 八二丹 [单项选择]“治崩三法”是指()
A. 止血、固脱、调经 B. 调经、固本、善后 C. 塞流、澄源、复旧 D. 补肾、扶脾、调肝 E. 以上都是 [单选题][党史]在( )中,中国工人阶级以独立的姿态登上政治舞台。
A.新文化运动 B.五四运动 C.二七大罢工 [判断题]机车在运行中可以在司机室外部从事检查或修理工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]このもんだいは 1じかんで ( )はいけません。
A. やる B. やらない C. やらないで D. やらなくて [单项选择]机动车驾驶人造成事故后逃逸构成犯罪的,吊销驾驶证且多长时间不得重新取得驾驶证?
A. 5年内 B. 10年内 C. 终生 D. 20年内 我来回答: 提交