Lewis Hine was born in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, in 1874.
As a young boy, he worked long hours in a local factory, experiencing at first
hand conditions he would later document so vividly with his camera. In 1903, he acquired a camera and a flashgun, and within a few years became one of the foremost investigative reporters of his days. He first examined the lives of some of the hundreds of thousands of immigrant families who were then crowding the customs sheds at Ellis Island. What happened to them once they set foot on the Promised Land His photographs showed the appalling conditions that awaited most immigrants: overcrowded, filthy slums; violent, dangerous streets; and poor-paying, enslaving jobs at which men and women roiled to support their young families. Next he turned the illuminating light of his camera on the horrifi A. When Hine was a young boy, his living conditions were appalling. B. Hine was the only one who exposed child labor practices. C. Hine was unable to access cameras during his childhood. D. Hine bravely shouldered the social responsibility as an investigative reporter. [单选题]一台小型异步电动机的铭牌为Y112S-6,其中Y表示( )。
A.异步电动机 B.中心高度 C.短机座 D.多少极 [多选题]《中国银监会关于提升银行业服务实体经济质效的指导意见》提出,对于加强收费管理,持续减费让利,应当区分哪些情形开展( )
A.对于能在利差中补偿的,不再另外收费 B.对于必须保留的补偿成本性收费,严格控制收费水平 C.对于巧立名目.变相收费增加借款人负担的,一律取消 D.对于个性化服务.定制化服务等,按照市场规则规范管理,有效降低企业成本 [简答题]1以下属于红线禁令的是------------。
A. 心率的变化 B. 搏出量的变化 C. 外周阻力的变化 D. 循环血量的变化 E. 大动脉管壁弹性的变化 [单项选择]临床可广泛用治各种食积及小儿疳积的药物是()
A. 山楂 B. 莱菔子 C. 麦芽 D. 金钱草 E. 鸡内金 [单项选择]患者女性,55岁,气急、干咳2周,有高血压病史5年,有长期吸烟史。体检:气管居中,心律齐,120次/分,A2>P2,右胸叩呈浊音,呼吸音消失,肝肋下3cm,X线胸片示右侧大量胸腔积液,心电图是电轴左偏,左室高电压。患者进行化疗过程中出现右下肢肿胀、疼痛,次日感气急、胸闷和心前区痛,进行性加重,明显发绀,不能平卧,心率120次/分,心界向右下扩大,左下呼吸音低,心电图示:窦性心动过速,电轴明显右偏,不完全性右束支传导阻滞,目前最有可能的并发症是()。
A. 急性左心衰 B. 急性心机梗死 C. 肺栓塞 D. 窒息 E. 肺癌恶化,压迫大气道 F. 以上都不对 [多项选择]影响国际采购发展的障碍主要有( )。
A. 语言沟通问题 B. 货币不同问题 C. 价格水平不同 D. 贸易手续复杂 E. 运输成本问题 我来回答: 提交