1)People with diabetes have too much
sugar in their blood, so a drug that lowers blood sugar ought to be a good
treatment, right 2) Maybe not. Consider the diabetes drug Avandia, or rosiglitazone, which was approved in 1999.it lowers blood sugar, and about a million people in the United States have been talking it for Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease. But last week, doctors reported that Avandia might increase the risk of heart attacks. 3) Heart disease is a major complication of diabetes, so a drug that could make the risk even worse is bad news indeed. 4) The jury is still out on Avandia. Meanwhile, patient advocates and some politicians and researchers are already denouncing it, and the Food and Drug Administration has issued a tepid "safety alert" telling patien A. C.drug companies prefer surrogate endpoints in the process of drug approval because F.D.encourages them to do so [单项选择]多个样本均数比较的单因素或多因素分析常用哪种方法()
A. t检验 B. t'检验 C. 方差分析 D. 正态性检验 E. q检验 [多项选择]高层建筑给水系统管材应采用合格的( )。
A. 给水塑料管 B. 镀锌钢管 C. 复合管 D. 铜管 E. 给水生铁管 [单选题]承受动载荷的焊接接头,其焊缝余高值应为( )。
A.趋于零 B.1~2mm C.1~3mm D.2 ~3mm [多选题]’年5月1日,一旅客持当日当次包头到大连(1962千米)有效车票一张,要求托运一件行李到大连,该行李在( )运到均超过运到期限。
A.5月7日 B.5月8日 C.5月9日 D.5月10日 [判断题]避雷器用来防护高压雷电波侵入变、配电所或其他建筑物内,损坏被保护设备。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]燃油黏度对雾化质量也有很大影响,燃油黏度大,喷射雾化质量好。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]烤瓷合金与瓷之间的结合力主要有
A. 压缩结合力 B. 机械结合力 C. 范德华力 D. 化学结合力 E. 残余应力 [判断题]接地线连接一般是采用对接焊接连接。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交