M: You look so unhappy. What’s wrong
W: Oh, we’ve got such a lot of homework again!
M: Yes. Terrible, isn’t it
W: I never have time now to do what I like.
M: And I used to watch TV a lot, but I’m too busy now with all this homework. By the way, have you finished your writing’
W: Yes. But it took me ages to write it. 1 spent more than two and a half hours on it last night.
M: I have not done it yet. I did not start it until half past eight last night because I had to do the math exercises first. There wasn’t time to finish it. I’ll have to do it tonight.
W: Good luck!
In the recent past, medical
researchers have shown that heart disease is associated with certain factors in
our day-to-day lives: with stress, with smoking, with poor nutrition (营养), and
with a {{U}} (51) {{/U}} of exercise. Doctors and other health experts
have been {{U}} (52) {{/U}} the fact that we can often reduce the
{{U}} (53) {{/U}} of heart disease by paying more attention to these
factors. More and more people are realizing that there is a {{U}} (54) {{/U}} between heart disease and the way they live. As a result of this new {{U}} (55) {{/U}}, attitudes toward health are changing:In the past, people tend to think that it was sufficient for good health to have a good doctor who could be {{U}} (56) {{/U}} on to know exactly what to do when they became ill. {{U}} (57) {{/U}} they are realizing that merely receiving the best A. to B. with C. on D. for [单项选择]对于肠梗阻腹痛的描述,下列哪一项不正确( )
A. 机械性肠梗阻表现为阵发性绞痛 B. 麻痹性肠梗阻为胀痛 C. 血运性肠梗阻为剧烈的腹部绞痛,哌替啶可缓解 D. 绞窄性肠梗阻为持续性腹痛 E. 结肠梗阻表现为胀痛 [判断题]蒸发过程中操作压力增加,则溶质的沸点增加
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]产品数据管理模块应具有的功能是( )。
A. 项目管理功能 B. 图纸管理功能 C. 编码管理功能 D. 产品结构管理功能 E. 物料管理功能 [单选题]中心锚节线夹在曲线处应与( )的斜度相一致。
A.接触线 B.承力索 C.轨面 D.受电弓 [多项选择]生产工艺的全过程中存在的职业性危害因素有化学因素、物理因素和生物因素。其中物理因素包括:()。
A. 生产性粉尘 B. 高温 C. 高气压 D. 振动 [单选题] 火场需要疏散和保护的物资,不应根据()来确定。
A. 个人好恶 B. 物资的价值 C. 危险性 D. 重要程度 [单选题]低温闸阀在安装时应保证在正常关闭阀门时,泄压孔朝向()。
A.阀门下方 B.阀门上方 C.低压侧 D.高压侧 [单选题]下列哪些动物,胎便停滞常发生概率最高的是( )。
A.马驹 B.兔 C.猪 D.猫 [单项选择]Which of the following statements is NOT tree
A. Chicken soup has a very long history. B. Since ancient times, chicken soup has been a home remedy. C. Poultry usually stands higher than four-legged animals. D. Four-legged animals were said to be created on the sixth day. [简答题]甲向乙借款500万元,丙提供了保证担保,丁提供了抵押担保。请根据民法原理、合同法、担保法回答下列问题:设甲、乙之间的借款合同为有效合同,甲到期无力还款,乙要求丙承担保证责任,丙主张物保优于人保,其主张是否符合法律规定?为什么?
A. 子宫正常大小,双附件压痛、增厚 B. 子宫口松软,有活动出血 C. B超显示子宫内膜厚 D. 尿HCG阴性 E. 诊刮为分泌期子宫内膜 [单选题] 69.一系橡胶弹簧与转向架连接紧固螺栓型号为( )。
A. M10×30 B. M12×30 C. M14×30 D. M16×30 [简答题]论审判公开原则。
[单选题]老年人正常脉率的范围是( )。
A. 20~40 次/分 B. 40~60 次/分 C. 60~100 次/分 D. >100 次/分 [判断题]( )在有或可能有硫化氢存在的作业场所应设置风向标(袋)。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]自动电位滴定计在滴定开始时,电位测量信号使电磁阀断续开、关,滴定自动进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]地下矿山,特别是通风不佳的深部开采矿井,能够形成湿热有害性环境时,气温和相对湿度分别达到()。
A.30℃和60%以上 B.35℃和80%以上 C.30℃和85%以上 [填空题]对于业务瞬断问题,需要通过长期对()、性能数据仔细分析,通过对设备、单板运行状态深入查询,并通过替换法等多种方法,逐一排除电源低压问题、光纤电缆问题、接地不良问题、单板软硬件稳定性等问题,最终将故障排除。
[单选题]如果循环气体量设定值为48500Nm3/h,则其上限为( )Nm3/h。
A.58000.0 B.55000.0 C.53000.0 D.52000.0 [多选题]在下列()情况下,有载调压开关禁止调压操作。
A.真空型有载开关轻瓦斯保护动作发信时; B.有载开关油箱内绝缘油劣化不符合标准; C.有载开关储油柜的油位异常; D.变压器过负荷运行时,不宜进行调压操作;过负荷1.2倍时,禁止调压操作。 [单选题]中华文明之所以绵延数千年而不绝,中国社会之所以会有超( )结构的历史,就是因为它一直有一套( )的,为多数民众所接受的主流价值观念,即所谓的儒家价值观。填入括号部分最恰当的一项是:
A.稳定 完整 B.平衡 悠久 C.严谨 通俗 D.系统 平和 [单选题]通过主站对终端进行抄表操作时,如果返回结果为“否认”,说明( )。
A.A.主站存在问题 B.B.通道存在问题 C.C.终端不在线 D.D.终端不确认此类操作 我来回答: 提交