Today, deep-ocean mining is done only
by the oil and gas industry. Yet the dream of mining the mineral wealth of the
deep has never gone away. Now two firms hope to succeed where others have
failed. Nautilus Minerals, based in Vancouver, is the more advanced of the pair. It has an exploratory licence from Papua New Guinea and has already begun drilling operations 1,600 metres below sea level off the east coast of the country. Another company, Neptune Minerals, based in London and Sydney, has completed test drilling in the deep waters near New Zealand. Nautilus’s deep-water exploration relies on a modified deep-sea remotely operated vehicle (ROV) of the kind normally used in the oil anti telecom industries. It has a manipulator hand containing drilling and cutting tools that allow the robot to retrieve samples of rock from the ocean bed. So fa A. They are much thicker. B. They lie more deeply in the sea. C. They are of smaller scale. D. They lie more densely together. [单选题]一般情况下,PLC在( )场所不可以进行安装
A.太阳暴晒或阳光长期直射的地方 B.温度有可能在短时间内急剧变化的地方 C.安装位置长期振动频率大且会造成设备安装件移位的地方 D.以上三项都对 [判断题]工艺技术规程不需严格执行。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]最大的鼻旁窦是
A.额窦 B.蝶窦 C.上颌窦 D.前筛窦和中筛窦 E.后筛窦 [多选题]以下关于建立企业网银集团关系的客户,说法错误的是( )
A. 集团总部和下属单位均须注册成为我社(行)企业网上银行客户 B. 集团总部无须注册成为我社(行)企业网上银行客户 C. 集团下属单位无须注册成为我社(行)企业网上银行客户 D. 集团总部和下属单位均无须注册成为我社(行)企业网上银行客户 E. 集团总部和下属单位均须在我行开立结算账户 [填空题]在轮系中该轮既是主动轮又是() ,它的齿数不影响传动比的大小,只改变后面齿轮的() ,这种齿轮称为惰轮。
A. 沙利酸化血红蛋白法 B. 十二烷基硫酸钠血红蛋白测定法 C. 氰化高铁血红蛋白法 D. 叠氮高铁血红蛋白法 E. 碱羟血红蛋白测定法 [不定项选择题]哮喘肺气虚弱证的治法是( )。
A.温肺化痰 B.清肺化痰 C.补肺固卫 D.健脾化痰 E.补肾固本 [判断题]架空线换位的方式主要有:滚式换位和换位杆塔换位。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交