Watch a baby between six and nine
months old, and you will observe the basic concepts of geometry being learned.
once the baby has mastered the idea that space is three-dimensional, it reached
out and begins grasping various kinds of objects. It is then, from perhaps nine
to fifteen months, that the concepts of sets and numbers are formed. So far, so
good. But now an ominous development takes place. The nerve fibers in the brain
insulate themselves in such a way that the baby begins to hear sounds very
precisely. Soon it picks up language, and it is then brought into direct
communication with adults. From this point on, it is usually downhill all the
way for mathematics, because the child now becomes exposed to all the nonsense
words and beliefs of the community into which it has been so unfortunate as to
have been born. Nature having done very well by the c A. Indifference B. Suspicious C. Compromising D. Surprising [简答题]超速保护OPC动作时机械跳闸机构是否脱扣?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《国家电网公司供电服务应急管理办法》中规定,根据供电服务事件的危害程度和影响范围,“在各省主办或承办且有省部级领导出席,具有较大影响的政治、经济、文化、体育等活动电力保障期间相关客户的停电事件”,属于(____)服务事件。
A.特别重大 B.重大 C.较大 D.一般 [单选题]扳道电话故障或无扳道电话时,车站值班员可使用无线电台下达接发列车命令。无法用无线电台联系时,车站值班员应填写站内()(以调度命令纸代用,填写内容与布置准备接发列车进路命令相同),指派胜任人员送交扳道员。
A.通知书 B.联络通知书 C.车站值班员命令 D.绿色许可证 [多选题]变电评价管理规定重要状态量发生变化的设备是( )评价范围。
A.月度状态 B.年度状态 C.动态 D.精益化 [判断题]1.135.
主变充氮灭火装置动作包含内容:氮压低、断流阀关、瓦斯动作、探头动作、排油阀开 A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]《物业管理条例》将业主选聘物业服务企业,并和物业服务企业签订物业服务合同,作为物业管理活动的前提条件,就是将物业管理与传统意义的行政管房模式区分开,强调物业管理是一种(),必须遵守市场规则。
A. 市场行为 B. 市场关系 C. 市场组织 D. 市场活动 E. 市场竞争 [判断题]一个VLAN可以被认为是广播域(对)在同一时刻,由分布的成千上万台主机向同一目的地址发起攻击,导致目标系统全线崩溃的攻击属于木马攻击攻击。
[单选题]下列不属于总队、支队首长战备职责的是( )。
A.组织领导部队贯彻落实上级有关执勤战备的规定和要求,研究制定改进和加强战备工作的措施 B.督促各级、各部门在战备工作中发挥职能作用,建立和保持正规的战备秩序 C.制定并熟悉本级的各类执勤战斗预案,掌握各类灾害事故的处置对策 D.组织消防站开放。 [多选题] 按照《辽宁省公安机关打造最优发展环境75项新举措》的规定,为( )等行动不便的群众上门办理各类个人证件等业务。
A. 军人 B. 孤寡老人 C. 残疾人 D. 住院的病人 [单选题]在建设工程施工招标文件中,对投标文件的组成、投标报价、递交、修改、撤回等有关内容提出要求的文件是指
A.投标须知 B.技术条款 C.合同主要条款 D.投标文件格式 [填空题]
Directions: Read the texts from an article, For five questions, match each rule (1 to 5) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET. John Harvey:
In fact if you go out to a restaurant it’s very difficult to find "British" cooking, but you can find almost anything else: French, Italian, Chinese, Indian and so on. London is full of foreign restaurants. I love trying "Newdishes". I think you can understand a lot about another culture from its food. Jo Baker: I like foreign food, but not all. I particularly do not like Indian food, although I quite enjoy a mild curry I make myself. I like most European dishes, but Spanish food is quite low down on my list. However, I think you have to travel a long way to beat good old English cooking. What can be nicer than the aroma of a piece of beef roasting in the oven, surrounded by crisp roast potatoes and served with piping hot Yorkshire puddings, v [单选题]失效木桥枕的判断标准是标准断面木桥枕因( )和挖槽累计深度超过80mm。
A.腐朽 B.挖补 C.削平 D.以上三项都是 [单选题]甲、乙在买卖合同中约定:甲先付款,乙再发货。后甲未付款却要求乙发货,乙予以拒绝。根据合同法律制度的规定,乙行使的是()。
A.同时履行抗辩权 B.先履行抗辩权 C.先诉抗辩权 D.不安抗辩权 我来回答: 提交