该患者用糖皮质激素治疗,下列说法中正确的是() Science Fiction can provide students
interested in the future with a basic introduction to the concept of thinking
about possible futures in a serious way, a sense of the emotional forces in
their own culture that are affecting the shape the future may take, and a
multitude of predictions regarding the results of present trends. Although SF seems to take as its future social settings nothing more ambiguous than the current status or its totally evil variant, SF is actually a more important vehicle for speculative visions about macroscopic social change. At this level, it is hard to deal with any precision as to when general value changes or evolving social institutions might appear, but it is most important to think about the kinds of societies that could result from the rise of new forms of interaction, even if one cannot predict exactly when they might A. SF is able to provide fairly reliable prophecies of social relationships. B. SF’s predictions about the evils in a future society have proved true. C. SF can provoke imagination and could in itself undergo radical changes. D. SF’s representations of present trends may not so accurate as anticipated. [单选题]未提前( )到达主、辅站进行施工准备的,视为迟到。
A.10分钟 B.15分钟 C.20分钟 D.30分钟 [单选题]工作票应于作业( )交给工作执行人或工作领导人。
A.前一天 B.前二天 C.前三天 D.当天 [判断题]四甘醇的英文缩写是EG.。
A. 较大 B. 平均 C. 一般 D. 较小 [判断题]任何单位和个人不得对食品安全事故隐瞒、谎报、缓报,不得隐匿、伪造、毁灭有关证据。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]直流电阻速测仪使用的恒压恒流源电流大小应根据具体需要选择使用,一般测量时()。
A. 电阻愈大,电流愈小 B. 电阻愈大,电流愈大 C. 随便选择,不影响结果 [判断题]高瓦斯区域、煤与瓦斯突出危险区域煤巷掘进工作面,可以使用钢丝绳牵引的耙装机。()
[单项选择]建设项目经济费用和效益的计算原则内容阐述正确的是( )。
A. 项目产出物的负面效果的计算遵循支付意愿原则 B. 项目产出物的正面效果的计算遵循接受补偿意愿原则 C. 项目投入的经济费用的计算应遵循会计成本原则 D. 项目经济费用效益分析应对所有费用和效益采用反映资源真实价值的实际价格进行计算,不考虑通货膨胀的影响,但应考虑相对价格变动 [单项选择]雀目的临床意义是()。
A. 肾精不足 B. 心血不足 C. 脾气亏虚 D. 肝血不足 E. 肝经风热 [单项选择]
男性,68岁。20天前因股骨颈骨折行皮肤牵引,3小时前突发气促、持续右胸痛,X线胸片示:右肺纹理变细,肺野透亮度增加,肺动脉段膨隆,少量右胸积液,多次心电图未见明显ST段抬高。 该患者最可能的诊断是()A. 心肌梗死 B. 肺炎 C. 自发性气胸 D. 肺血栓栓塞症 E. 肺不张 F. 肺气肿 [填空题]U5A型空重车阀给排阀的上部通( )。
[判断题]( ) 应急撤离时,旅客不能佩戴眼镜.助听器.假牙等锐利物品,防止受伤。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]79.浮顶油罐内浮盘板应采用真空法检查,试验负压值不应低于40Pa(300mmHg)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]假设同一时期,生产同样一件衣服,甲耗费了2小时,乙耗费了3小时,丙耗费了4小时。下列说法正确的是______。
A. 甲生产的衣服价值量最大 B. 乙生产的衣服价值量最大 C. 丙生产的衣服价值量最大 D. 三人生产的衣服价值量一样大 [单项选择]药品经营企业对于无有效期的药品,其购进记录应至少保存()
A. 1年 B. 2年 C. 3年 D. 4年 [判断题]雾是悬浮于近地面气层中的水滴.冰晶或两者的混合物。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一回线路检修(施工),邻近或交叉的其他电力线路需配合停电和接地时,应在工作票中列入( )。
A.安全措施 B.相应的安全措施 C.技术措施 D.相应的技术措施 [简答题]“风风雨雨都接受,我一直会在你的左右”这句歌词出自许美静的哪首歌曲?
A.库欣病 B.异位ACTH综合征 C.肺部感染 D.肺部肿瘤 E.肺结核 [多项选择]下列电源中,属于电力系统中的无功电源的有()
A. 电感器 B. 调相机 C. 电容器 D. 同步发电机 [多选题]工作票签发人、工作负责人对有()的工作,应增设专责监护人,并确定其监护的人员和范围。
A.触电危险 B.很大量 C.检修(施工)施工复杂容易发生事故 D.涂写杆号 E./ F./ [简答题]
填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。 A. 记忆犹新 蔓延 扼腕叹息 B. 恍如昨日 扩展 谈虎色变 C. 历历在目 演变 心有余悸 D. 历久弥新 衍生 不寒而栗 [单项选择]将Y对X进行回归得到的结果如下:截距5.23,斜率 1.54当X的值是10,Y的估计值是()。
A. 6.78 B. 8.05 C. 53.84 D. 20.63 [单选题]单管电压放大器的输出电压与输入电压,在相位上相差( )。
A.(A)60。 B.(B)90。 C.(C)180。 D.(D)270。 [单项选择]
Advances in computers and data networks inspire visions of a future "information economy" in which everyone will have (1) to gigabytes of all kinds of information anywhere and anytime. (2) information has always been a (3) difficult commodity to deal with, and, in some ways, computers and high-speed networks make the problems of buying, (4) , and distributing information goods worse (5) better. The evolution of the Internet itself (6) serious problems. (7) the Internet has been privatized, several companies are (8) to provide the backbones that will carry traffic (9) local networks, but (10) business models for interconnection—who pays how much for each packet (11) , for example—have (12) to be developed. (13) interconnection standards are developed that make (14) cheap and easy to transmit information across independent networks, competition will < 我来回答: 提交