Greysteel, Northern Ireland--Protestant
(新教的) gunmen shouting "trick or treat" walked into a Northern Irish shop
and killed at least seven people to avenge (报仇) the bombing of a protestant
shop one week ago. Eleven people were wounded, several seriously, when the two gunmen walked into the crowded Rising Sun pub in Greysteel, some 120 kilometres northeast of Belfast, carrying guns. It is said that they went near a frightened teenage girl and one made the old "trick or treat" greeting that children worldwidely use to get sweets from their neighbours. "I don’ t think that’s funny," she replied, then she was shot down. The dead included an 82-year-old man, a 52-year-old woman and the 19-year-old girl who had received the "trick or treat" offer. The shooting brought the death since Saturday’s IRA Belfast bombing to A. 23 persons lost their lives B. protestants took away seven lives C. more than twice attacks happened to Belfast D. most of the dead were Catholics [判断题]新企业网银标准版或者自定义标准版客户可通过审批员或者管理员进入网银进行复核模型设置
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG 510001-2015)第7.5.9条规定:脚扣和登高板的金属部分有变形和损伤者可以使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《关于深入推进审批服务便民化的指导意见》,在建设统一的政务咨询投诉举报平台时,要加大热线整合力度,但因( )确需保留的热线除外。
A.专业性强 B.集成度高 C.咨询服务量大 D.人员配备多 [判断题]严禁在机车车辆底下坐卧以及钢轨上、轨枕头、道心里坐卧或站立。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]基层农业服务岗位职能包括()
A. 村支书(主任)助理 B. 新农村建设指导 C. 农业信息咨询 D. 乡村扶贫开发等 [单选题]患者孙某,35岁,孕38周。入院查体:血压158/100mmHg,尿蛋白“+”,伴双下肢轻度浮肿。
患者择日于上午行剖宫产术,10:30术毕安返病房。护士在术后( )内1小时记录一次生命体征 A. 6小时 B. 6~12小时 C. 12小时 D. 12~24小时 E.4小时 [单选题]19K高包门:机械部分作用不良时须( )处理。
A.更换 B.加油 C.修复 D.在车统—81上记录 [单项选择]下列关于甲醇加注泵隔膜损坏后的现象描述错误的是()。
A. 隔膜报警器报警 B. 甲醇加注泵停止 C. 甲醇加注泵空转 D. 甲醇泵无法起压,无法进行加注 我来回答: 提交