It might appear to any casual visitor
who may have taken a few rides about town in a taxicab that all New Yorkers are
filled with a loudmouthed iii will towards each other. The fact of the , matter
is, though, that however cold and cruel things seem on the surface, there has
never been a society of people in all history with so much compassion for its
fellow man. It clothes, feeds, and houses 15 percent of its own because 1.26
million people in New York are unable to do it for themselves. You couldn’t call
that cold or cruel. Everyone must have seen pictures at least of the great number of poor people who live in New York. And it seems strange, in view of this, that so many people come here seeking their fortune. But if anything about the city’s population is more expressive than the great number of poor people, it’s the gr A. criticize New York B. praise New York C. introduce New York to visitors D. express sympathy with New Yorkers [单选题]王××,50岁,“高血压2级”,起床如厕时诉头晕、恶心伴全身出汗,此时患者应采取何种体位 ( )
A.半卧位 B.中凹体位 C.头低足高平卧位 D.平卧位 [判断题]安全生产工作应以属地监管为主,并遵循管行业必须管安全、管业务必须管安全、管生产经营必须管安全的原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]货币供应量是( )之和。
A.单位和居民的手持现金 B.居民和单位在银行的贵金属储备 C.居民收藏的黄金纪念币 D.居民和单位在银行的各项存款 [多项选择]基本建设项目项目库管理原则()。
A. 统一规划 B. 分级管理 C. 分级负责 D. 合理安排 [简答题]范仲淹的《岳阳楼记》中哪个成语形容建设事业蓬勃发展的兴旺景象?
改革开放以来,中国教育获得了巨大发展,其体现在()。 A. ③④ B. ②③ C. ①② D. ①④ [单选题] 某地市政排水工程因修城市地下水管道,挖土2..5.m深建污水井,土质一类松软土,井坑挖好未放坡,无支撑,即开始砌砖,当井体抹灰时,原污水管道在一侧土的压力下,其接头被管道中污水冲开,大量污水涌人新水井,井下抹灰的工人来不及上来’,当场被污水淹死。 请判断下列事故原因分析的对错。 挖土违反规定,不放坡、无支撑。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]主诉记录()。
A. 主要症状 B. 主要生化检查异常 C. 主要阳性体征 D. 主要症状/体征及持续时间 E. 起病情况 [简答题]
One of the main themes of Planet under Pressure is the way many of the Earth’s environmental crises reinforce one another. Pollution is an obvious example-we do not have the option of growing food, or finding enough water, on a squeaky- clean planet, but on one increasingly tarnished and trashed by the way we have used it so far. Cutting waste and clearing up pollution cost money. Yet time and again it is the quest for wealth that generates much of the mess in the first place. Living in a way that is less damaging to the Earth is not easy, but it is vital, because pollution is pervasive and often life-threatening. Air: the World Health Organization (WHO) says three million people are killed worldwide by outdoor air pollution annually from vehicles and industrial emissions, and 1.6 million indoors through using solid fuel. Most are in poor countries. Water: diseases carried in water are responsible for [多选题]会造成交流充电停止的是( )。
A. SOC 100% B. 单体电池电压达到预设的充电截止电压 C. 拔下充电枪 D. 再次刷卡 [判断题]氩弧堆焊时,应采取比手工电弧焊更有效的防辐射安全措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者男性,68岁。慢氧性阻塞性肺疾病急性发作入院治疗,给予吸氧、抗感染、对症支持疗法,今晨输液过程中自行调快滴数,30分钟后突然出现胸闷、呼吸困难,继之咳嗽、咯粉红色泡沫样痰,听诊两肺满布湿哕音,心率快且律不齐。
该患者可能发生 A. 哮喘急性发作 B. 过敏反应 C. 急性肺水肿 D. 空气栓塞 E. 气胸 [单选题]现场校验电流互感器、电压互感器应停电进行,试验时应有防止反送电、防止人员触电的措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]重型再生障碍性最理想的治疗是( )
A..雄激素 B..糖皮质激素 C..骨髓移植 D..碳酸锂 E..环孢素A. 我来回答: 提交