Moral responsibility is all very well,
but what about military orders Is it not the soldier’s duty to give instant
obedience to orders given by his military superiors And apart from duty, will
not the soldier suffer severe punishment, even death, if he refuses to do what
he is ordered to If, then, a soldier is told by his superior to burn this house
or to shoot that prisoner, how can he be held criminally accountable on the
ground that the burning or shooting was a violation of the laws of
war These are some of the questions that are raised by the concept commonly called "superior orders", and its use as a defense in war crimes trials. It is an issue that must be as old as the laws of war themselves, and it emerged in legal guise over three centuries ago when, after the Stuart restoration in 1660, A. are of the similar meaning B. have the same purpose C. must be put into effect D. lead to the same result [单选题]航空公司对于旅客随身携带物品的规定有告知义务。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]派生类继承基类的方式有( )。
A. public B. private C. protected D. 以上都对 [单选题]( )对基金合同应列明基金资产估值事项内容作出要求。
A.《证券法》 B.《基金合同的内容与格式》 C.《证券投资基金法》 D.《关于进一步规范证券投资基金估值业务的指导意见》 [单项选择]胎头衔接是指胎头( )
A. 顶骨进入骨盆入口 B. 双顶径到达坐骨结节水平 C. 枕骨进入骨盆入口 D. 双顶径到达坐骨棘水平 E. 双顶径进入骨盆入口,颅骨最低点接近或达到坐骨棘水平 [判断题] 平面立体简称平面体。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下哪个不属于供应方认为电子商务业务模式能够带来的增值.()
A. 减少商品搜索成本 B. 减少交易费用 C. 缩短交易时间 D. 产品促销费用 [判断题]公安机关办理行政案件,在询问查证的间隙期间,可以将违法嫌疑人送入候问室,并按候问室的管理规定执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]调车作业必须提前做好( )等情况的准备。
A.提前排风、摘管 B.核对计划 C.确认进路 D.检查线路、道岔(集中联锁区除外)、停留车及车辆防溜 [单选题]经办行应确保将对公理财质押融资业务用信人_____设定为理财产品资金回款账户和信贷业务的保证金账户, 同时对该理财账户进行监控, 冻结相应的额度。
A.一般帐户 B.理财账户 C.基本帐户 D.特定帐户 [单选题]‒年4月23日,某发电公司脱硝系统液氨储罐发生泄漏,现场操作工人立即向公司汇报,并启动液氨泄漏现场处置方案。现场处置的正确步骤是( )。
A.佩戴空气呼吸器—关闭相关阀门—打开消防水枪 B.打开消防水枪—观察现场风向标—佩戴空气呼吸器 C.观察现场风向标—打开消防水枪—关闭相关阀门 D.关闭相关阀门—佩戴空气呼吸器—打开消防水枪 [单项选择]
一男性,某省厅干部,平时不嗜烟酒,生活规律;但性情急躁,易激动,工作认真,争强好胜,雄心勃勃。一年前单位减员时调入某厂工作,常因小事上火,发脾气。三日前因心绞痛入院,诊断为冠心病。 对于病人应采取哪种干预措施()A. 认知疗法 B. 药物疗法 C. 生物反馈疗法 D. 放松疗法 E. 以上都是 [单选题]在消防救援站工作的专职队员,休假应由个人提出申请,3日以上报( )审批
A.值班员 B.消防救援站主官 C.消防救援大队主官 D.支队政治部 我来回答: 提交