Traditional superstitions and
beliefs{{U}} (31) {{/U}}disappear altogether; they assume new forms
and{{U}} (32) {{/U}}to contemporary conditions.{{U}} (33)
{{/U}}in the 21st century, people may dismiss their forefather’s customs and
practices{{U}} (34) {{/U}} superstition, many are still current. A
Friday which falls on the 13th of a month is widely feared as{{U}} (35)
{{/U}}, and so are spilling salt and walking{{U}} (36) {{/U}}a
ladder. Belief {{U}} (37) {{/U}}the power of mascots is far from{{U}}
(38) {{/U}};the lucky rabbit’s foot, like the horseshoe, is a popular
charm. Certain foods, too,{{U}} (39) {{/U}}their ancient lore. Many
people, for example, accept the old adage "an apple a day keeps the doctor
away". One aspect of traditional {{U}} (40) {{/U}}which is still very
much{{U}} (41) {{/U}}today is folk medicine. When A. alive B. live C. dead D. vanish [单选题]【单选题】改变旋翼拉力大小的方法不包括( )
A.操纵总距杆 B.操纵油门环 C.操纵方向舵 [单选题]会议电话总机800Hz时输入输出阻抗( )±120Ω。
A.600Ω B.400Ω C.800Ω D.200Ω [判断题]教学媒体只是师生之间传递信息的工具,所以它不属于教育心理学的研究范畴。()
[单项选择]Country life differs from city life in that a sense of community generally ______ the inhabitants of small villages together.
A. combines B. links C. binds D. ties [单选题]在人的发展和社会发展的关系问题上,马克思主义认为( )
A.前者是个人的理想,后者是社会的目标 B.前者体现了个人价值,后者体现了社会价值 C.前者和后者是彼此独立的历史发展过程 D. 前者和后者互为前提和基础 [判断题]停有动车组的线路,禁止溜放作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]各种流线应保证畅通无阻、行程便捷,可以交叉干扰,使旅客、行包和各种车辆在站安全、迅速的集散和通行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]赵某发现邻居吴某偷了同村杜某家的电视机、手提电脑等价值约1万元的财物,但未予检举。赵某( )。
A.构成包庇罪 B.构成伪证罪 C.不构成犯罪 D.构成共同犯罪 [判断题]引导手信号的显示方式为:昼间——展开的黄色信号旗高举头上左右摇动;夜间——黄色灯光高举头上左右摇动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]1号线ISCS系统集成 、 、 、 系统。
[判断题]安全管控等级分为3级,其中有一级是特殊安全管控。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](单选题)无治疗指征的补钙属于()
A.非适应证用药 B.超适应证用药 C.过度治疗用药 D.盲目联合用药 E.非规范用药 [单项选择]The cake has too much sugar in it , but______ it's OK.
A. other than that B. another of that C. that other D. none other than [多选题]电机的点检内容包括( )。
A.运行声音 B.振动大小 C.螺丝紧固情况 D.外壳温度 E.电流大小 [单选题]包裹的运价率是以( )为基数确定的。
A.三类包裹运价率 B.二类包裹运价率 C.硬座基本票票价率 D.行李运价率 我来回答: 提交