Despite ongoing negotiations with its
unions, United Airlines has told the bankruptcy court that the "likely result"
will be a decision to terminate all of its pension plans. That would precipitate the biggest pension default in history, more than twice the size of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation default in 2002. The move is expected to destabilize the already struggling airline industry, prompting other old-line carriers like Delta to eventually follow suit to maintain competitiveness. It would also put additional pressure on the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), the federal agency that insures traditional pensions in case companies go belly up. It’s already facing more than a $9 billion shortfall. A default by United would saddle it with an additional $ 8.4 billion in unfunded obligations. If other airlines follow, the PBGC may have to A. The trouble that the airline industry faces is due to the impact of globalization and competition from low-wage companies. B. Retirement for US workers just is not what it used to be. C. The dispute over United’s pension has become a burning, blazing campaign is-sue. D. There are numerous threats to retirement in the future. [简答题]我国的什么民族Rh阴性血型比例比较高?
[单选题]当合同履行过程中发现对给付货币地点,合同没有明确约定,事后双方又未能达成补充协议,依据《合同法》,应在( )履行。
A.支付货币一方所在地 B.接受货币一方所在地 C.货币存放地 D.货币是用地 [单选题]深化依法治国实践。成立中央全面______领导小组,加强对法治中国建设的统一领导。
A.深化改革 B.依法治国 C.从严治党 D.司法改革 [判断题]LED诱导屏的双基色是由红色、黄色LED器件构成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]深层填充材料、预埋止水片或止水井损坏,维修措施包括( )。
A.永久缝周围开槽凿宽 B.止水井周围开槽凿宽 C.浇筑混凝土 D.修复止水设施 E.用等级更高的材料恢复凿除部分 [单项选择]In which of the following configurations should a SAS hard drive jumper be placed for single drive operation?()
A. The jumpers should be placed in the single/master position. B. There are no configuration jumpers needed on a SAS hard drive. C. The jumpers should be placed to give the drive a SCSI ID of 1. D. The jumpers should be placed in the slave position. [单选题]常用的钻孔设备及工具有( )
A.立钻、摇臂钻、手电钻 B.立钻、摇臂钻、台钻 C.立钻、摇臂钻、手电钻、台钻 D.立钻、台钻、手电钻 [判断题]进入设有装卸鹤管、石油栈桥的线路作业时,在设有装卸鹤管、石油栈桥的另一侧作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]温里药性味多是
A. 味辛性温热 B. 苦平 C. 酸温 D. 酸热 E. 咸温 [多选题]小明是一位建筑专业的大学生,他有很多理想,其中属于个人理想的是( )
A.有造诣的建筑师 B.非常崇拜居里夫人,人格上想成为她那样的人 C.追求的理想生活是:物质上要求不高,生活不拮据既可,但要有一个温馨的家庭,妻子温柔贤惠,工作之余能有时间读书、交友、旅游,精神生活丰富 D.非常坚信中国特色社会主义道路,希望国家强大,早日实现中华民族的伟大复兴 [单项选择]根据汉字国标码GB2312-80的规定,总计有各类符号和一、二级汉字个数是______。
A. 6763个 B. 7445个 C. 3008个 D. 3755个 [单选题]下列关于保护选择性说法正确的是( )
A.故障发生后由相邻设备切除故障 B.故障发生后保护快速动作 C.故障断路器拒动时,由相邻设备切除故障 D.故障发生后 保护可靠动作 [单选题]救人小组不少于( )人,携带救生、破拆器材,重点搜寻货架下、橱( )内、卫生间、墙角、门后等部位。
A.、3 B.、5 C.、6 [单选题]任何单位,个人都应当()为报警提供便利,不得阻拦报警
A.有偿 B.有偿或无偿 C.无偿 D.试情形 [填空题]具体用什么方式完井要根据()而定。
[单选题]试行起吊前应由起重( )检查悬吊情况及所吊物件的捆绑情况,确认可靠
A.A-驾驶员 B.B-指挥员 C.C-捆绑人员 D.D-工作负责人 [判断题] 客户未收到余额不足预警短信的95598工单,处理单位可以使用最终答复办结。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]怠速不良的原因有供油不足.节温器失效和( )等。
A.燃油箱油面较低 B.阴雨天气 C.点火过早或过迟 [单选题]手机丢失后,不正确的做法是 。
A.立即致电运营商冻结手机号码 B.注销所有与该手机绑定的银行卡 C.致电银行冻结手机网银 D.微信用户登录110.qq.com冻结账号 [判断题]在栽植的过程中,仅是临时埋栽性质的种植称种植。()
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