Dear Mr. Blank: Last October I signed a contract with your company for the installation of dry walls and the renovation of a bathroom in my home at the above address. I am now appealing to you to have this work completed in a satisfactory manner. I have spoken to your Quincy, Mass, store manager on several occasions, to the plumbing department manager, to your maintenance people, and to anyone else who seemed to be in a position to assist in completing the work. I have received considerate responses followed by service people trying to do the necessary work. Nevertheless, I have had expensive broadloom rugs badly stained; A. A.Get the refund. B.Get the apology. C.Reinstallation. D.None of the above. [单项选择]
Attempts to understand the relationship between social behavior and health have their origin in history. Dubos (1969) suggested that primitive humans were closer to the animals (1) they, too, relied’upon their instincts to stay healthy. Yet some primitive humans (2) a cause and effect relationship between doing certain things and alleviating (3) of a disease or (4) the condition of a wound. (5) there was so much that primitive humans did not (6) the functioning of the body, magic became an integral component ofthe beliefs about the causes and cures of heath (7) Therefore it is not (8) that early humans thought that illness was caused (9) evil spirit. Primitive medicines made from vegetables or animals were invariably used in combination with some form of ritual to (10) harmful spirit from a diseased body. [单选题]为有效地防范网络中的冒充、非法访问等威胁,应采用的网络安全技术是( )。
A.数据加密技术 B.防火墙技术 C.身份验证与鉴别技术 D.访问控制与目录管理技术 [判断题] 主管公安机关在集会、游行、示威中临时设置的警戒线,应当有明显的标志,但不得设置障碍物。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]女,40岁。朋友患肝炎后,一年来总觉得自己的肝区疼痛、恶心、食欲减退,去多家医院重复检查肝功能指标均为正常,经B超、腹部CT检查也无异常,但患者总觉得不适而苦恼,怀疑患了严重的疾病。该患者的可能诊断是
A.强迫症 B.恐怖症 C.疑病症 D.焦虑症 E.精神分裂症 [简答题]为什么熔断器不能作异步电动机的过载保护?
A.《行车日志》 B.占线板 C.《交接班簿》 [填空题]冷作硬化会改变钢材的性能,将使钢材的()提高,()、()降低。
[单选题]鼓风机房属 (___)级禁火范围。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D. E. F. G. H.单选题 [多选题]【多选题】立、撤杆应设专人统一指挥。开工前,应交待施工方法( ),作业人员应明确分工、密切配合、服从指挥。
A.工作时间 B.安全组织 C.技术措施 D.指挥信号 [多选题] 在进行试验接线前,应了解试验电源的()、()、(),试验接线应经第二人复查并知相关作业人员后,方可通电。
A.容量 B.电流值 C.接线方式 D.电压值 [单选题]含有纤维性药材、新鲜药材的处方泛丸宜制成
A.水 B.药汁 C.蜜水 D.醋 E.酒 [多选题]起转录激活作用的蛋白质
A.多属DNA结合蛋白类 B.多属反式作用因子范畴 C.多属顺式作用因子范畴 D.在真核生物普遍存在 [单项选择]由于个体的内在的需要引起的动机称作()。
A. 外部学习动机 B. 需要学习动机 C. 内部学习动机 D. 隐蔽性学习动机 [多项选择]膨胀机升速过程应()。
A. 手动慢慢调手操器升速 B. 调整密封气温度 C. 调整膨胀机入口温度 D. 调整膨胀机出口压力 [多选题]以下关于整存整取定期储蓄存款的正确表述是()。
A.允许一次性提前支取或多次部分提前支取 B.提前支取部分按支取日农行挂牌活期存款利率计算利息,剩余部分按原开户日或转存日的整存整取定期存款利率计算利息 C.存款本息可以约定在到期日自动转存及转存期限 D.账户介质包括存单、借记卡和定期一本通存折 [单项选择]在气相法聚乙烯生产中,由于换热物料中掺杂有聚乙烯粉末,为了便于清理和防止列管被堵塞,一般常选用以下哪种列管式换热器()。
A. 固定管板式换热器 B. 浮头式换热器 C. U形管式换热器 D. 热管式换热器 [单选题]生产、使用放射性药物且场所等级达到甲级的单位,非医疗使用Ⅰ类源单位,销售(含建造)、使用Ⅰ类射线装置单位,辐射安全关键岗位一个,为( ),最少在岗人数 1 名。
A.辐射防护负责人 B.辐射环境监测专职人员 C.辐射防护专职人员 D.辐射环境评价专职人员 我来回答: 提交