EF Education is a worldwide organization dedicated to cultural exchange, international travel and language education. With offices in 40 countries and more than 13,000 full and part-time staff, EF is the largest organization of its kind in the world. Since EF’s founding in 1965, over two million people have discovered the culture of another country, established friendships across international boundaries, or acquired a foreign language with EF.
EF Corporate provides language instruction for professionals and business people. Through individual and small group tutoring, role-playing and case studies, participants acquire the language of international business, as it is used in an array of practical situations.
Qualified trainers
All EF Corporate trainers are native-speakers, fully trained and have many years of experience in teaching specialized courses to professional people.
Range of courses
1. Tailor-mad
Most forest fires are caused by human
carelessness or ignorance. Forest fire prevention, therefore, is mainly a
problem of creating better understanding of the importance of forests, an
awareness of the danger of fire in the woods, and a sense of personal
responsibility to safeguard the forests from danger. This is not an easy
job. Careless smokers are responsible for thousands of forest fires each year. Many of these are started when cigarette butts(烟蒂) and matches are thrown fr A. It is difficult to prevent forest fires. B. Smoking is allowed only in certain forests. C. 11% of the forest fires in the Western States are caused by lightning. D. Experiments in "seeding" thunder clouds have helped reduce lightning-caused forest fires. [单选题]电力线路按架设方式可分为( )。
A.输电线路和配电线路 B.高压线路和低压线路 C.架空电力线路和电力电缆线路 [单选题]当施工人员入场时,工程项目部应组织进行以国家安全法律法规、企业安全制度 、施工现场安全管理规定及各工种安全技术操作规程为主要内容的( ) 。
A. 安全技术交底 B. 三级安全教育培训和考核 C. 岗位知识培训 D. 管理制度培训 [单项选择]山楂的外果皮为( )
A. 1列细胞,壁稍厚,外被角质层,散有油细胞 B. 石细胞层, 由十余列排列紧密的石细胞构成 C. 1列细胞,外被角质层,细胞中含棕红色色素 D. 波状弯曲,凹陷处表皮下有众多扁圆形壁内腺 E. 1列表皮细胞,外被角质层,外壁及侧壁增厚 [多项选择]烧伤病人无法测量血压,判断循环情况可凭()
A. 听心音 B. 测中心静脉压 C. 观察创面渗血 D. 心电图 E. 尿量 [判断题]早期英国议会与法国三级会议讨论的主要内容都是财政与税收问题。
A. 宣传性 B. 象征性 C. 共享性 [填空题] 消防救援人员执行队列纪律:保持队列整齐,( )应当报告并经允许。
[判断题]优先使用回收水浇灌,避免用漫灌方式浇灌绿地。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]施工计划按时间分为( )。
A.月计划 B.双周计划 C.周计划 D.临时计划 E.临时补修 F.临时抢修 我来回答: 提交